#wordweavers 01/05/2024 Introduce your setting as if it's a character in your story.
The McAlistair mansion POV: “I’m currently the host of Esther and her strange little maid. Before I belonged to Esther’s husband, but he wasn’t with them when they came back from the colonies. Something has happened there, I don’t know what, but it makes Esther ill. The little strange maid tries her best to help.”
#wordweavers 02/05/2024 What are your MC's living conditions like? Are they better or worse than average?
Esther’s material conditions were pretty good, she had everything she wanted and even more (poney, dresses, jewels) But it was at the price of terrible psychological conditions
Lately, her material conditions suddenly became precarious after the return from the colonies and her husband’s death [Illustration: excerpts from Inktober 2023] #fediart#mastodonart#mastoart#creativetoots
#wordweavers 05/05/2024 Are there characters or events that challenge your MC's belief system?
That’s the plot: the events at the Chamberlain’s Seminary will completely challenge the way Esther sees the world. I could quote @NaraMoore answer: That the supernatural is real ⁃ The desirability of social conformity ⁃ That no one can be trusted (except Erié) ⁃ The world is a cursed place
#wordweavers 06/05/2024 Who is your most fun character?
Hmm my story doesn’t leave much place for fun, but I would go with Lady D’Arcy. Being the villainess, she’s the one who can be the most funny, by her lack of moral limits and excesses.
#wordweavers 07/05/2024 What behaviors does your characters' society encourage?
As in the actual Victorian era, women are supposed to spouse a man and then to stay confined in the role of mother and home’s mistress. They are expected to be modest and discreet.
#wordweavers 08/05/2024 What behaviors does your characters' society discourage?
For a woman : being a free and independent, someone who stands for herself instead of staying in the shadows of her man, someone proud of herself, someone sexually very active (and not shy about it), well, everything Lady d’Arcy is.
We all do both good and evil. Just some of us are on the good side, the one who writes (hi)story https://about.me/nautilebleu Ko-fi for supporting my comics https://ko-fi.com/nautilebleu 🤘 - French old school developer the day, wannabe comics artist the night - Speak French and English - He/Him I mostly post my art about my own characters Esther and Erie, my comics project. And also some fanarts, rock girls (huge fan of Band-Maid) and vintage models studies