@NeonPurpleStar It's part of this funny series with one cat trying to steal food someone posts and then the other/user defending it for OP of course, it keeps escalating up to body armor and like more and more sets of chopsticks and way more XD
But this one also works as "Hungry? Have some protein" XD
Anyway, Imma play game now, and then see if my new frens have posted more insanely amazing cosplay. They should be going to bed in a few hours so I can catch up in one go xD
Okay the sticker, it's funny XD I got like a 100 of them someone translated them all and made them downloadable and I am eternally gratefull (as are thousands of others XD)
You know, we have a cockroach problem in my flat, but I am very happy they aren´t so terrifying they have reached (now inter-)national meme status yet and been named after the city we live in! XD
I'll be extra nice and not jokingly offer you my newest favorite meme for protein if you answered you were hungry :D Even though it's funny lol
Hope you have a nice day :) I am off to play some nobody wants to die XD I'll check in with all my new internet frens and amazing new cosplayers I followed later :3 But first, time for some gaming on day off~
I can't get tired. Alarm in just over 6.5 hours, guess I'll just try and lay in bed till I fall sleep. Have to try, want to be awake at the event tomorrow 😭
@Infoseepage@Lydie Never heard of Dwango. But the most mindblowing thing I ever read is that you could already rent and download games for the, take a guess...
But I don't believe that adds extra ram right? So for starters, it ran in 128 kilobytes of ram, including during online multiplayer, as that is all the snes had xD
Hi everyone! I am a 32 year old bi fudanshi who is really into anime, manga, video games, cosplay, lego, YAOI/BL/DANMEI, science and more~(Japanologist & comp sci.)