@dercraig I still cannot reach the machine that hosts the raidius server. We'll have to wait for its owner (jolly) to get back to investigate. Until then the dialup via RAS server is out of service, sorry :/
@dercraig we had to disable PPP at 919800 for now, it causes a crash on another machine. Too busy with other fixes all across the #38c3 venue now, will revisit later.
@dercraig@ChaosPost PPP is now working at #38C3, you can dial 919800 and should get IPv4 via NAT on some strange adresses. That was all that we could do after the many bugs we ran into.
The #38C3 c3isdn phonebook is made available via fax polling. Once we're operational on-site, you can poll the phonebook from your fax machine or faxmodem from extension number 919982 @c3fax
What wouldc#retronetworking with Modems, fax machines, ISDN, SDH and more be without the contemporary marketing materials... now reprinted as post cards, at the retronetworking assembly, part of the vintage cluster #38c3. Close to @ChaosPost with other post cards...
Today (well, yesterday by now) we managed to further complete our #38c3 SDH network consisting of STM1 add-drop-miltiplexers that carry the E1 based V5 interface from access networks to the EWSD #aufbauleaks#ISDN#retronetworking
Our custom RJ45 break out boards for bringing out subscriber line ports [Uk0, ab] from the EKSOS V5 access multiplexers now have a custom laser face plate. They fit nicely into the shelf and reduce the need for manual wiring like before, see https://osmocom.org/projects/retronetworking/wiki/Nokia_EKSOS_N20_DIY_carrying_case - this is where subscribers at #38C3 will connect to.
@sophie@evey our network is experimental, not for production purpose. Unrelated comment: I'd be very surprised if CCC events would ever consider deploying cashless payments unless there was a production quality source-available [auditable] system that does not give anyone the ability to track payments, equal to privacy of cash.
Make sure to bring your modems, fax machines, ISDN terminal adapters, phones, BTX terminals, Minitel, video phones and other #retronetworking gear to #38C3 and get connected to the on-site #ISDN network. More information at https://isdn-museum.de/ccc