@brennansv@strangeparts important is, that it has an open boot loader. Then I'd probably build a system based on Common Lisp or Rust these days. Or, less ambitious, on Kotlin or Swift. Java did not age well.
@folkertvanheusden@OpenSCAD I think it would be a useful feature to uniqify all different texture values see in the file (if there is a somewhat finite amount) and then put them in a `declare` section with symbolic names at the top of the povray file to make it easy for the user to overwrite.
That way it is possible to play with different colors, reflectivity and other texture properties that are only available in povray.
When I first worked on the hot-snipper project in OpenSCAD, I attempted to make a PovRay render and started to contribute to some abandoned scripts that convert OpenSCAD CSG to PovRay. https://github.com/archie305/openscad2povray/pulls (but, since they were abandoned, they never got merged)
Now with @folkertvanheusden recent work, this now is possible directly from OpenSCAD.
@folkertvanheusden@OpenSCAD Looks great. I wonder if I can adjust the camera zoom as well in the OpenSCAD script.
I am travelling currently with my laptop and it is ... busy rendering. Even with the processing power of today, rendering a whole animation with many frames is still challenging (I don't remember how we dealt with single-core, slow machines 25 years ago running povray...)
@folkertvanheusden@OpenSCAD the hot-snipper should be sufficiently non-trivial with component animation and smooth camera movement. It might be a lot of frames though.
@folkertvanheusden@OpenSCAD Just emitting the povray script per frame s enough (foo-0001.pov, ...), then the rest can be a Makefile outside (Like we currently emit a bunch of *.png files and then use the Makefile to make the animation in the end).
I would not invoke PovRay from OpenSCAD, it is just too resource hungry. That is better in a batch job.
@folkertvanheusden@OpenSCAD For that, I guess the 'animate' functionality needs to not only provide a 'Dump Pictures' in Animate.ui but also provide a 'Dump PovRay' (maybe a dropdown ?), then implement that feature (I suspect only a few lines needed).
I wonder if with the latest changes that export the viewport, the animation sequence with movements and smooth camera path I programmed in OpenSCAD animation can be exported and then rendered like the original animation but with PovRay.
@brewsterkahle sounds a bit like the spammers need specific words to build a voice model to subsequently launch the actual attack tricking someone using an artificial voice that resembles someone the target knows.