@ZeroSum06 BTC cannot scale as it has been sabotaged and is now a decade behind, XRP is centralized junk so BCH is the clear winner when it comes to p2p cash
@ZeroSum06 100 TPS is more than enough for the next 5 years, mass adoption will not come overnight, by the time BCH is doing 100 TPS it will be capable of 1000 and so on.
BCH will be so useful people will naturally need it and use it with or without ISO
@ZeroSum06 Bitcoin Cash is almost a decade ahead of BTC, they are still stuck at 7 TPS, it is a total failure with no future.
Again BCH will not be complying with anything that would threaten its decentralization or security. If it is beneficial to be ISO compliant and does not disrupt the vision then why not, moot point.
The tech needs to work first before you even think of ISO anything.
Yes I looked it up because I am not an arrogant slime-ball and I acknowledge there are things I do not know.
As I said , BCH will do everything to gain world level adoption, what it will not do is sacrifice any core principles, because those principles are what will get it to #1
You are playing a game of sacrificing everything to be accepted into a failing system and in the end you will fail with that system.
@ZeroSum06 that is irrelevant, BCH will adopt ISO20022 or whatever else it needs to stay cutting edge and the best, as long as it does not compromise decentralization or security and its ability to serve a money
you are missing the point, BTC is a captured project with owners, nothing will happen there if the owners do not approve, and the owners do not want it to be used as money because those owners already own the current money that is being used called fiat
@ZeroSum06 yes BTC was able to steal the brand while swapping out the underlying tech for something that does not work as intended, this will not stop BCH
@ZeroSum06 it's not hopium its fundamentals, Bitcoin Cash has the foundation in place to dominate all these centralized and corporate founded projects.
It will be slow at first as devs and builders realize they can just use BCH for everything they need to do at no cost
Bitcoin had it all from the start, it was crippled so corps could take over as they have
BCH ecosystem is booming, your sources of info are all corporate sponsored, you will not hear a peep about it. https://minisatoshi.cash/ecosystem
you may be right or you may be wrong on what happens in the future, the fact is BTC was diverted away from the original vision of p2p e-cash
these meetings with politicians are only allowed because BTC is not a threat to the existing fiat system and its owners
most of the development and economic activity in crypto will eventually converge on BCH because it just works for anything you want to do and there is no tyrannical council that decides what is allowed, BTC is redundant.
@ZeroSum06 again, it's all running on permission from the government, don't get suckered again into the banks grasp use Bitcoin Cash, the real deal freedom money