@noamross I really get that, but 15% of 1500$/year seems like peanuts for a large society. I would see that as their financial contribution. Initially, I had hoped that societies using this server to advertise their journals and papers would contribute one way or the other, but this hasn't materialized yet.
The best course of action would be that an established society becomes the fiscal host for the server (meaning receiving donations and paying the bills with those donations, not complex when you're already a non-profit). So please, if you are or know people in one of the many societies that are established on and using ecoevo.social, help me make a case for it! 2/3 @eseb@officialSMBE@ASNAmNat@sse_evolution@SystBiol@BritishEcolSoc#sfe2
Other option: use a generic fiscal host such as provided by opencollective but they take percentages and I'd find it much more nicer for a society to give a hand
I am launching a broad call for finding an ecology and/or evolution society that could take ecoevo.social under its wings. While I am very happy to continue managing the technical and community aspect of this server, I do not have the bandwidth to start looking into taxes and non-profit creation issues. 1/3 @eseb@officialSMBE@ASNAmNat@sse_evolution@SystBiol@BritishEcolSoc#sfe2
@polotek@neckspike the report is also forwarded to the instances of users that have participated in the conversation. I've seen that multiple times and moderators are often puzzled on why they receive a report from an instance against a user on a third instance. It is not clear on the report why we are receiving it.
Post-doctoral researcher at the Roscoff Marine Station, France.Admin of ecoevo.social #EcoEvoSocial#Evolution #PopGen #Genomics 🧬; #Hybridization; #Speciation; #MarineBiology 🐠🦈🦀🦑🦐🐋; #UrbanEvolution #MusselsAreCool #BotryllusSchlosseri#Vegetarian #GravelBike #Hiking #Scubadiving #Freediving #Sailing #CanoePolo #VélotafWork related stuff, but also personal views and hobbies.Toots mainly in English, but sometimes in French.He/him