Someone in the local buy nothing group just posted an unopened pack of sterile 90 mm dishes and a couple of individually wrapped transfer pipets. I have so many questions.
(the least of which is why are you buying 90 mm and not the far more standard standard 10 cm?)
Serious question, was I supposed to get high in between work and turning this on? Because it certainly seems that way (though I did skip the first 7ish minutes, so maybe the weird dancing & music and miniature people make sense in some context?)
@diazona I got home only a little late, and might join in (it's playing now anyway), do you mind if I respond to this post to keep stuff off the local feed? (I'll untag you)
Are we supposed to believe that the voice and the person in the wookie's mind are in english and a human? That seems odd. Shouldn't it be in whatever the wookie language is and the alluring figure be a wookie?
Lesson learned the hard way: if you are making compound libraries/master plates and there is even the slightest chance you'll want to verify structures by NMR use a deuterated solvent. I promise it's worth the extra expense.
-Signed the person who didn't make the plates, but is currently running NMRs with a significant amount of DMA in them and trying to play spot the peak to verify the compounds.
Do you live in Orange County and/or Los Angeles (CA, USA) and could you use some free "creative" gear (mostly photography & musical recording stuff) this guy does a free give away annually for stuff he mostly gets gifted by vendors:
Apparently there are two types of mosquitoes in socal right now. The type that bit me a few weeks ago where the bites itch but are tolerable. And the one that bit me Sunday & Monday. Where the bites seem like nothing for the first 24 h and then get so bad clothing irritates them. The one on my upper arm is right below where my t-shirt sleeve ends and the hem made it into a giant welt yesterday. And I have three more of this type that started itching last night/this morning. And the itching is really bad.
And all I want to do is scratch even though I know it won't help and will make things worse in the long run.
Took me a sadly long time to figure out the tiny figure at 2, 1.5 cm in today's xkcd was a kid with a pair of heelies*. I haven't seen any kids wearing those in years!
Apparently this should be spelled heelys, but that's also the brand name.
Professional chemist. Amateur baker. Bike commuter.Favorite stars don't cost money and can make someone smile (or at least feel seen) so I use them often. I'm not being weird at you specifically, I'm being weird at everyone...Warning for the new instance: the much higher character limit might cause me to go mad with power. Take that into account before following.