@sinbad From my perch all I’ve really seen is the entire industry copying Apple. After a while Apple stopped being good at design, but the copying didn’t stop.
Slowly drafting a blog post about making web apps without big frameworks, but honestly the summary is:
1. Write super simple JS, using basic functions and built-in data types. 2. Make your functions write to the DOM with `lit-html` (not the same thing as `lit`). 3. Re-run your functions in response to events with a "signals" style library, like`reactively`. 4. Get more events from your DOM with Resize/IntersectionObserver.
Finally zeroed in to what bugs me about the modern tech industry. It used to be about making new tools, putting them in the hands of users, and watching them do new things.
Today it’s about taking users out of the equation. Making products instead of tools. Limiting instead of enabling. Reducing users to glorified slot machine operators.
In game design we often ask: who is having the fun here, the player or the designer?
@jzillw Very good point! In Finnish we have at least Oakmonth, Pearlmonth, Wheatmonth, and uhh… Deathsignmonth? The archaic words hidden in there are especially fantastic, after looking up their etymologies.
@sinbad The whole “you can easily link/import other people’s code so you don’t have to write it yourself!” part of the web platform is a bit of a trap. Especially when it’s happening outside a browser.
@sinbad For me it's just that… well, if there's a 0.001% chance of danger per device every day, okay. However… what if there are like 30 devices? Suddenly the combined chance is not that tiny anymore. ><