@lookitmychicken because you do tag them I can easily filter out each tag if I so choose, but I'm someone in the kpop world so I'm not as fussed about them having a single generic tag. I try to tag my posts with kpop for filtering, except when I'm just posting something I don't really expect to go beyond my friend group and is generally not annoying. Keep in mind if you use something like the kpop tag you are sending it out to a wider audience than you perhaps had originally
@lookitmychicken I don't know what is creating your insomnia so I have no idea if this will be useful to you but I used to struggle really badly with falling asleep because my brain would not shut up. It would replay conversations, have new conversations, give me therapy sessions, all sorts of crap except sleep. It took me a long time but I've trained myself to go to sleep listening to YouTube videos. I specifically use scishow cause it works for me.
@lookitmychicken it needs to be something interesting enough to get your brain to engage with it and listen to it, without being so interesting that it keeps you awake. I find if I'm able to distract my brain in this way normal sleep functions can take over.
@lookitmychicken Pray is in it! My list isn't in any order (other than Yetao is number 1) and it's a somewhat random list - some are on it just cause they're cute lol.
Hu Yetao Xiong Aguang Wuxun Pray Smart Myst Yuchen Yao Zihao Kohi Hikaru
I like Thi-o as well but I've felt like he's a shoe-in so I've not been voting for him.
@lookitmychicken I've only watched part 1 so far but Crush did a great job, they didn't deserve 100 pts less. They put a lot of performance in that. Sure, that group has 3 of my top 11 but still
I was so disappointed with the Mic Drop performance. It felt very slow, which shouldn't be out of place really but I figured it out by the end - there was no swag, no attitude. They danced fine, it just felt in the end like it didn't suit the song
@lookitmychicken GOT7 are still on good terms with J.Y. Park. He's the reason they have their name still and all their copyrights. Bammie wouldn't have an issue with him being on
I was in love with WayV from debut, but I held out until they had released a few songs before committing. When I started to learn about them the only guides were the meme-filled unhelpful ones, which are hugely entertaining, but wasn't giving me the info I wanted. So I decided to make my own. I posted my first WayV guide 4 years ago. The intention was to help those like me that just wanted simple info and facts, and an intro to the members.
@lookitmychicken I guess they re-opened early for the VIP? I don't particularly care about spoilers, want me to check something for you to scratch that itch but still get surprised when you watch the episode?
@lookitmychicken I skipped most of the extra content so I'm up to the first stage performances now. There are some things I like better about how they're running this season, but overall (so far) I think I've enjoyed last season more
@lookitmychicken I'm only 3 episodes in so far so I don't have much opinion on it yet, other than everyone has been super nice. I don't usually watch idol survival shows, I just watch dance competitions, but I knew there was some great bits with Jackson and Ten cause I saw the shorts on YouTube last year so I'm giving it a shot. They're starting with 70 people though so it's gonna be rough 😬
@lookitmychicken I'm up to episode 5 now, the first elimination (though I haven't gotten to the elimination part yet) and I'm ugly crying already. The mentors are talking with them, answering questions, and it varies between being sweet and supportive and just brutal truths. I'd already had the impression that the trainees are going through way more than what is shown in the show, and some of what they're talking about now confirms that
Obsessed with kpop, especially "noise" music, but I listen to any Asian pop music really, as long as it makes my brain happy. I'm a baby bird and am in this nest for life but am also 10vely, Tyongf, and ARSonistShe/her. Asexual. AutisticI don't auto follow back because I have specific things for each of my feeds, but you're probably on a list I follow.