@dansup tbh i don't understand why some people in my feed sound like they really got a bone to pick with you. you seem to be working in the right direction.
(i do know that for some people responding to a climate of FUD in a flawless mix of faux ebonics and MBA speak does press all the "representative of the smiling shoggoth" buttons. i know because i've been guilty of sounding like a total prick myself, in past lives when i was True Believer of things.)
it's a pincer move. they don't simply achieve good usability - extensively funded proprietary software *defines* the usability expectations of the audience
odd. i see picrelated just fine - not my reply, not boosted, not buried.
it is kind of inconvenient though that when i see a reply in the tl there is no "go to start of thread" button or anything; if i click the post itself it may or may not load the context.
e.g. 2nd post just doesnt load the rest of the presumed thread
(i do boost great replies #mandatoryvirtuesignal but i did not know i had to do it with mine as well)
@kaia bc if they said they were cumming/coming everyone would get horny and ruin the stream :D there's no unisex unisyllable word for orgasm that can also be used metaphorically so "im nutting right now" it is
https://ludic.mataroa.blog/ might have part of the answer to why that's the case. definitely tracks w/ my experiences in most computer toucher jobs
also data science depends on mass surveillance which is evil, so the sector attracts grifters and incompetents. ppl who know their shit can get burnt out easily
guess as long as they pay you well and don't interfere with your education, a stint there may be worth it for money and cv. but steel yourself and don't take it too seriously 🤷
what you started with (and the strongest point of your argument) is that this is a double standard ("toxic" already being a watered down version of the point.)
then when you were confronted, you moved to defending the weakest of your points ("anecdote vs. anecdote"). sort of like reverse motte and bailey.
this. whole. dynamic. is the reason for what is described in OP. sapienti sat