@bot@Tsuki I'm not an expert on black relationships so I can't comment, however, you may have heard the expression about "who wears the pants in the house."
@Tsuki I don't know what gamba is nor do I care. As for crack smoking, it is yang in the sense that it causes greater activity in you, and yin in the sense that it depletes your energy and vitality. Yang short term, yin long term.
@BeAware Yeah, maybe the protocol could get upgraded where servers periodically send to relays a batch of "most liked posts" along with their like counts. That would reduce traffic while keeping it possible for small servers to generate such feeds.
#BlueSky is trying to implement this, but their implementation sucks. It doesn't work (see attached).
Most fediverse instances already have the concept of multiple timelines (following, global/federated, etc.). It wouldn't be that difficult to add additional ones that are algorithmically ranked based on engagement.
@ntnsndr You say "At least the Fed has to care about inflation & unemployment" as if that were true. I see little evidence for that. I see a lot of evidence to the contrary: https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/
The difference between the fed and cryptocurrency is that with cryptocurrency you at least know what the economics are. With the fed, there is no transparency, just a centralized cartel that creates inflation through money printing. Why worship this cartel? It's not like they care about you.
Money printing should not be something only one evil corrupt group on earth gets to do. Anyone should be able to do it. Let there be competition among the money printers.
The banking system as it exists should be replaced with a better system, because it's currently serving no one except this evil cartel, and it plans on morphing into something even worse with its CBDC nonsense.
@ntnsndr 5. I shouldn't have really said "banking system - the good parts" in my previous post, as it's misleading and suggests that decentralized exchange is something the banking system has, which is untrue. There is no decentralized exchange in the banking system, so those parts of defi are a brand new way to do something that was previously done in a very crappy way. So, yes, that part is a "reinvention", but it a very much needed one, and not representative of "the banking system", because exchange in the banking system is, well, completely different. How is it different? Let me list the ways:
- KYC required - Monday through Friday required - 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM in a specific timezone required - Very strict / difficult rules for getting listed in the first place - Secret societies with special privileges who get to trade before anyone else
This renders it close to unusable. It should really disappear. This isn't how exchange of assets should be done. It's horrible.
This isn't to say that some of defi is not without its warts - most specifically there are scams in defi just as there are scams in "the banking system", but getting rid of scams is unfortunately seemingly not possible without destroying several other desirable properties of decentralized exchange.