Notices by milkposter (, page 10
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@kaia just when i started drawing damn
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"yeah girl, guess what, i got a limo to pick us up later too"
the limo in question:
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@p @lain "sewing-circle anarchist"
"raw egg nationalist"
i fucking can't bro
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@lain seems interesting actually, i might check it out, as it happens i am working on a game with all of the above too
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@lain ok what is it, rape?
inhuman suffering?
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@kaia user spotted
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@Kagekokoro @sathariel you only get weird girls if you absolutely never want them.
it's how the universe works
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@theorytoe this is code for jerking off
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was discussing drama queen with a friend, he says he saw some parts of the first chapter imply heavily that the main girl might have a "fetish" towards the aliens.
i asked him to point things out as to why he thinks this, this was the list:
>why are the trunks of the aliens so prominent?
>why is she basically jerking a trunk off on the cover?
>why do the alien ships look like sperm?
>why does her nose constantly bleed, this is only explained by her getting hit once and we don't even see if she actually did get hit?
>she says the roasted alien smells like squid and thinks it's tasty, only the guy is disgusted by the smell
>the title Drama Queen implies she may not be honest regarding some things or could just be Engrish
it's frustrating because we both just have one chapter to work with, so we could be overanalyzing many aspects of the manga, maybe the artist has proclivity towards adding themes and they were added without explicit reason, or maybe it's intentional and will be explained later on.
it is very hard to tell where the manga is going lol
if it is worst case scenario, ropetime
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@LukeAlmighty >neurodivergent pin includes autists and other shit
they are trying to do cultural erasure, return to tradition
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i had a dream where there was a circus ran by bulgarian6 ps and i had a ticket there.
the city it took place in was one that wasn't real, it was utopian in how it looked and the people behaved, the people behaved so ecstatic and positively that it made even dream me unsettled.
the train station was intricate, and was a bunch of rube golderg machines, retrofuturistic, but the trains themselves were much more primitive.
the train station also acted as a mall, where there were hilariously comically themed diners and the such, for example there was a restaurant where the waiters dressed up as aliens, retrofuturism was a the whole dream.
outside we get to an alternate history switzerland, monuments and statues fill the city, surrounded by untouched land, there was a stadium that was so damningly huge, and then within the outside of it there were 6 pillars spread apart that pierced double the height of it's walls, every pillar had the markings of what i think now united kanton insignias, but they were definetly not real kantons.
the bulgarians were running a very expensive operation, the tricks were inticrate, but the jokes were sometimes quite adult in theme and weird, and 2 of them even start getting me weirded out because it was just bondage.
they eventually convince me to help them work, i help them setup various parts of the operation in the background.
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@mangeurdenuage @Curvin it says femdom on it
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@RehnSturm256 @Curvin @mangeurdenuage how about sex where both people do it together and one isn't dominating the other
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i remember in first grade one time my mom asked "you have some homework you aren't telling me about right?"
"how did you know?"
"a little bird told me"
i actually sneaked a rock in my backpack and threw it at some bird that was sitting in the window at class the next week
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@mangeurdenuage @Curvin
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@mangeurdenuage is this some fucking femdom doujin what am i looking at here bro...
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>that finely sculpted midriff
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there's this black guy called tyrone, everytime i meet him once in a blue moon i purposefully get his name wrong "derroone" "tee-rohne" "tyler"
he gets slightly frustrated every time, and then i apologize with "sorry, i am not used to that name, you're the only guy i know with a name like that"
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@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty social media in general
- User ID
- 256844
- Member since
- 23 Apr 2024
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