One small freedom I've enjoyed as an ex-cult? The ability to set a song as a ringtone and not be looked down upon for my choice. I've posted this reggaeton jam awhile back. It's popular enough to have a live version recorded in Puerto Rico. The ringtone takes the opening chorus and a piece of the second verse so that you get more singing instead of rapping. But it totally works. Anyway, if you know me, I bet you could totally see this coming out of my phone. Lol.
PDF: the piss me off document format. This message brought to you... apparently by my virtual brother Andre Louis. *fixes post* Happy Halloween, everybody.
In NYC, you can hear everything: your neighbors in their own apartments, people in the hallway, people outside. TJ found it amusing that I was reacting to noise outside. But just now, Michael and I were talking about how much quieter it is here in Colorado. New York internal noise filter, off. Few. Good to know I still have the filter, but I don't miss having to use it.
Latest on anti-cult Youtube, courtesy of alias Talandra's intel net probing: Live stream of latest JW leadership update, with commentary. Less than and hour but designed to be listened to in chunks.
I'd like to make a confession. *Walks to the front of the fediverse and clears her throat*... I have never eaten previously frozen bread, or used it in a sandwich until I got to Australia. I have never put bread in a freezer or stuck it in a toaster to defrost it until visiting Perth.
A reminder to my chronically ill friends to please take care of yourself during excessive heat warnings. If you leave your house, make sure you have an easy way to drink water. And if it's too hot, look at delaying your trip until it's cooler outside. Let's try and avoid unnecessary hospital stays, lovelies. If this doesn't apply to you, then happy scrolling. Have a great weekend, fedi friends.
My life has gotten so much easier with #ADHD after assigning all of my frequent contacts a custom text tone. My parents have one, my brother Matt, my partner James, my besties TJ, Dan, Sarah, Kerry, and Michael, my girls Tangela, Andrea, Jessica and Krista, my virtual brothers Steve, Arfy, Andre, Scott, and aussie Chris, Justin, and just more awesome folks who check in on me each day. Feeling so blessed to not feel like I have to reach out so hard for support these days. Happy Saturday, all.
Welcome to 6 AM in the leading time zone of the US and Canada. If you're up this early with me, I hope it's by choice. If not, I hope you can catch some more zzz's today before needing to be awake for realsies. Hugs to anyone who wants one. As for the rest of the world? Thanks for being up with me as well. I feel like less of an odd ball when I see my international fediverse friendlings are already awake. Happy Wednesday, fedifriends.
All right, international friends. Question time. You're outside of North America. You need to call North America. How would you do that? What would be your first go to solution for this without racking up a huge bill?
Digital and web accessibility expert. Formerly of Apple, where I received a plaque signed by Tim Cook for my service. Latina survivor of family and intimate partner violence with PTSD. Legally blind. Professionally trained vocalist. Passionate writer and blogger. Currently I live in Colorado but love to travel all over the world. I've been to Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Born and raised just outside of New York City. Writing my survivor memoir. In it, I tell the story of how I used the internet to stay safe and break free of domestic violence and an insular fundamentalist sect over a twenty year period. Wiccan empath with Christian overtones. Accessible foody and cook. Neurodivergent with autistic tendencies. #Mecfs patient. I'm plural but can translate into the singular as needed.