The more Xfinity attacks T-Mobile home internet in their commercials, the more I think they're a viable second option. Momopolies hate hit when their empire is challenged.
In other words, Mrs. Roberts is helping to staff high profile corporate law firms with high profile lawyers who will be arguing in various federal courts - including the Supreme Court and in front of Chief Justice John Roberts - that the very rich corporations that they represent are *not* violating anti-trust laws and should be allowed to continue monopolization and restraint of trade.
And Chief Justice John Roberts would be more than happy to rule in favor of more unbridled corporate power and monopoly as we’ve seen repeatedly. The complete collapse and absence of ethics and basic rules and the elevation of glaring conflicts like this destroy court legitimacy.
This is what you get when Republicans get into higher office: neo-feudalism.
@MrPresidentTom It really felt to me like he decided to play another year last time out of spite because his retirement announcement was scooped by Schefter or Rappaport.
Lady on a #datingapp I'm on was wearing her cop uniform in one of her pictures and I was not prepared for how much of a deal-breaker that is. Oof, fuck off.
@leftfist As much as I like Cody as a perdormer it's hard for me to separate that from his politics sometimes. He wants that belt so bad he sold his soul.
After your team "accidentally" signs a guy being credibly accused of domestic abuse, you'd think they'd quickly try to do some kind of make-good for the fans. Not the #WhiteSox. Not Jerry Reinsdorf who's been crying poor for the last 20 years. I don't see him taking on another contract to try to replace him. Just another L, another hole left unfilled. Basically going into this season saying "trust us, we'll be better" w/o making the moves to show us they're serious. #MLB#Clevinger
@nicktylwalk My main problem is people keep comparing this to Daniel Bryan's rise. I don't think he's as hot as Bryan was at that time. I don't think the momentum behind him is about people wanting him to be champion, I just think they want to see him being funny and Ucey. There's been very little foreshadowing or hinting about him wanting the title, or even disliking Roman. That'll probably change tomorrow night but I don't see him winning the Rumble or headlining Mania. Prob something at EC.
This will take a few minutes to read, but really explains the problem with this plan that Kevin McCarthy had to agree to put up for a vote in order to get into his position.
VAT is normal in other western democracies but in those other countries, there are also high income tax rates for wealthier individuals. In those countries, regressive VAT taxes are paired with with progressive income taxes. The GOP suggestion is to replace our not-progressive-enough income tax with a very regressive sales tax. Definitely a boon for the very wealthy and a burden for everyone else.
Those other countries also provide their citizens with free national healthcare, family leave, free childcare and more. Americans go bankrupt and die young while every other nation continues to see their citizens make economic gains and live longer.
This is the criminal justice equivalent of Tesla drivers proudly proclaiming that they've deleted all Kanye songs from their playlists.?
I don't need to watch the video. There's nothing I could learn from it that I don't already know.
And I don't believe watching the video will move y'all to justice. Many folks watched the George Floyd video and cried a little bit, then went right back to saying, "But we can't defund the police!"
Some folk are more concerned about possible riots than justice.
@slsinger I will give you this much, I somehow got on his mailing list and he sends like 3 emails a day, all asking for money. It's very annoying. I still like him but if it comes out that Sinema's not running and someone more universally likeable steps in, I might have to support them.
Make fascists irrelevant. Democracy defender. Animal lover. Data science and #privacy. #Comedy lover and performer. #ProWrestling. Fantasy sports. Human rights and correcting injustice. Monopolies are destroying the world. #VotingRights #StandWithUkraine #WhiteSox #Vegetarian