@AsukaNeko@sickburnbro@HonkHonkBoom All that "Trump Trial" stuff was designed to go away on appeal - just a SHOW to distract the peons from the "issues" during the R-Primary. Trump betrayed us non-stop on policy, then ran Phase-I of the Plandemic for The Enemy.
The same with Fake Russiagate - was never any evidence (see the released "Crowd Strike" secret testimony) - but, that got the Trumpsters to "rally around dear leader" while everything we/they just voted for was thrown in the trash, and the promised-policies reversed.
@sickburnbro Definitely ongoing - yes. That said, support for traditional marriage was removed from the GOP Platform in 2016, with Trump. The 2nd-Amendment language was stripped to almost nothing this year, and we know Trump wants "red flag" laws.
On Immigration, we rejected the Bushie position - the "Gang of Eight" position - but Trump went to the LEFT of "Jeb" and Obama policy on immigration (nevermind the empty talk). His trade position was as bad as Bill Clinton and the Bushes (anti-populist vs left/right). His foreign-policy position was also no improvement.
To be fair, Dubya signed an "assault weapons ban." That sticks in my head, because I remember Ann Coulter trying to excuse it at the time in an interview - "He (Bush) can't do everything" - as if simply refusing to sign it was too much to ask - sounding like a Trumpster, in retrospect. Even Queen Ann is far too easy on the GOP and Trump, for my taste.
@sickburnbro@HonkHonkBoom By that time (80s), the FBI's mandate was to eliminate all competition to the Jewish mob. They do sometimes take out Jews who "go rogue" - by not sharing-into the Mob's pyramid payoff system, or who engage in activity outside permitted limits.
Devon's video noted how Only ONE of the Trump casinos was hit with multiple money-laundering fines - not the others. This could have been to provide cover for ongoing operations.
Nixon -> Roger Stone -> Trump (met Stone through Roy Cohen) = makes sense. As to why The Jews to threw Nixon under the bus - maybe just that he recognized Jews were generally a problem - as revealed by the tapes - even if the Roy Cohen "patriot" faction "on the right" supported him. Trump's 2000 faux-run against "Hitler lover" / "hates the gays" Pat Buchanan in the Reform Party follows the pattern.
@sickburnbro@HonkHonkBoom He went from rich-kid to "mogul" via Roy Cohen, et-al = the Jewish Mob. He was a nice goy-face front-man for them. I find it hard to believe they don't have enough compramat on him to control him completely.
@sickburnbro So, all the left has to do is keep moving left, and the "right" follows and becomes Lenin, in a few more election-cycles. If this process is not rejected, we are screwed.
@sickburnbro "Prioritize" BUSTING the EMPLOYERS of Illegal-Invaders. That solves 95%+ of the problem. All the rest is 2ndary.
> Immigration law doesn't exist for the purpose of keeping criminals out (Obama's "Bad Hombres"). It exists to protect all aspects of American life. The work site, the welfare office, the education system, and everything else. That is why immigration limits are established in the first place.
> If we only enforced the laws against crime ("Bad Hombres"), then we have an open border to the entire world. > We will enforce all of our immigration laws. > In a Trump Administration, all immigration laws will be enforced. > Will be enforced.
Trump's "Immigration Policy Speech" in Phoenix AZ, 2016
@sickburnbro Too many knew Trump was pro-abortion, and it's up to the states now, regardless. There is nothing Trump (or Harris) could do about it - and nothing was getting past a Senate filibuster.
The big win was Florida NOT passing the abortion measure - so they did not strike down the heartbeat bill, which Trump called "Terrible."
@sickburnbro Trump "forgot" about his signature campaign promise for MONTHS? He didn't see Mulvaney that entire time, when Mulvaney could have said, "BTW, I have the DoD money for the wall."
Trump was being hammered from the deportation-hawk contingent of his base the entire time (folks not tricked/distracted with the fake-Russiagate smokescreen).
I would not expect Kelly to "help," but - it was almost 2 years before Trump FINALLY said he would use defense money - just in time for the mid-terms - about when he 2nd-time-promised to do the hard work of picking up a pen, and signing the Anchor Baby ban (but still didn't - promised again this cycle).
@sickburnbro It sells to women, who do not want to be responsible for their decisions. Phrasing it as if addressed to men is just an angle - "If your man really loved you ...."
@sickburnbro What their wives think - not really important. That said, I think Jay-Dee's wife is happy to get into a position to help HER people. Melania would probably rather be doing something else.
As to Trump - think about Jared's $2 Billion - just from the Saudis - and all the "campaign contributions" laundered "legally" through the network of "friends" and Jared's LLC/LLP spiderweb. Then, there is the POWER aspect.
I think Trump saw Bubba and Killery making bank and was jealous. Cue King Crimson's "Easy Money" here. And everyone could see we wanted all the 3rd Worlders booted and the traitor-trade ended, and all Trump had to do was make a "politician's promise" to get our votes.
This extreme hyperbole, combined with the "right" calling Kamala a "commie," reflects how much the D-base HATES their globalist-corporate "leadership" - what it takes to motivate them to vote D.
This narrative simultaneously frames Trump as a "conservative," to keep the Right on the plantation, while making them "afraid" of the tag-team Ds.
@sickburnbro "Enough" ordinary people - but I do not discount your point. Trump winning the R-Primary this year was disconcerting, in that they managed to sideline policies COMPLETELY with the "stolen election" narrative + "Trump Indictments" / Trial Shows. He even skipped all the debates, and it didn't matter. Hopefully that cannot be repeated as easily in 2028, again, with Trump finally out of the picture. But, with mostly morons, we could easily get screwed, again.
@sickburnbro Oh, sure, they will TRY to sell "populism failed" if Trump loses - but why would we buy that, when we can see from what he DID, that he was NEVER a populist, and THAT is why he lost in 2020's "close enough to steal," and possibly in 2024 (though with more of the Jews behind him now, he could win).
The GOP people supporting Kamala = the Cheneys and such. They are mostly hated on the Right. "Jeb" lost the primary because enough R-voters wanted the 3rd Worlders out, Traitor-Trade stopped, and Wars Ended. McCain and Romney lost their general-elections because they did not take populist positions, so White turnout was low for them - and that decides if an R wins the WH.
The Uniparty's only strategy to keep the parties alive, is to try to scare us into "going along" by making the "other party" more "scary" - "Orange Man" vs "Commie" - a pair of big lies.
Many aren't buying this fake party BS any more, and the outcome of this election will not change that. It will not allow the GOP or DNC to better-sell globalist, crony-corporatist candidates. "Talking populist" or "Talking equity" - while backing Wall St, MIC, etc policies - isn't going to sell to those who pay attention.
In this clip, Trump is praising Mr Great Reset, and the most evil people in the world - the people who are destroying every White homeland - who support Traitor-Trade, Replacement-Immigration, Murder-Vaxxes, 15-Minute-City ghettos, CRT/ESG/DEI, the Wars, etc.
@sickburnbro They didn't have to "peel them off" - they merely didn't show up to vote again in 2020, like they did in 2016, because Trump never even tried to keep his promises.
Sure, many are dumb enough to buy the never ending excuses + 5D-Chess bs - even pretend Trump LYING about "Trumpcine" was not collaborating in violating the Nuremberg Laws on medical-experimentation - a crime against humanity. But, that is just his cult and other idiots.
A significant % of Trump voters primarily voted for him to get the 3rd Worlders booted out of the job-market and Traitor-Trade ended, so they could have decent lives / careers, again. We HELD OUR NOSES to vote for that weirdo, for that reason - Millions of us. He reversed his position, so why vote for the weirdo, after that? Because Harris is a "commie" - LOL!!
This is from his old 2020 pollster on lost White votes:
@sickburnbro He's wrong. The "purpose" was to keep the focus on anything EXCEPT what Trump was actually doing, which was the opposite of everything he promised to do. This tricked both "sides" - the left into believing the "Orange Man Bad" fairy tale, and the right into thinking Trump "must be on our side" (without bothering to "notice" he was doing the enemy's bidding 24/7).
@sickburnbro The good side about Trump losing, is the GOP might realize they cannot put up a Degenerate-pushing, Back-Stabbing Liar, Mass-Immigration REPLACEMENT supporter, Plandemocidist and Vaxx-Mass-Murderer, and expect to win.
Goal: Save Civilization by removing the so-called "Jews" from power, then reversing their poisoning of our homelands - deporting the 3rd Worlders they flooded in, re-institutionalizing / banishing those infected with LGBTPedo-disease, and de-toxifying medicine and food.