wow: nytimes: "Biden’s Push to Cancel Student Debt Surpasses 5 Million Borrowers
With Monday’s authorization and 27 previous ones, the Biden administration has forgiven over $180 billion in student loans, even as its larger policy vision never took root."
"Review Spam," or commercially motivated posts, on the Internet Archive spiked to 99.9% of our reviews just before the election and when we were hit with a cyber attack and ddos.
When we recovered, spam outnumbered real reviews 20-to-1.
It has always been a cat-and-mouse game, but the mice became RoboMice.
Ever wanted to send a big file (up to 10GB) file to someone easily? it expires in a day, but I have found it super useful for sending around zip files.
this free service that is secure and built by Feross, a genuine wizard.
@noodlez1232 I have never used the lightning network myself, and I am quite sure the finance folks at the archive would not know how to do it. but thank you for the offer!
Jesse Shera, “The College Library of the Future,” 1936. - "Librarians have their faults, many of them, but in a mad academic world, blindly seeking distinction through athletic glory, led by fascist minded administrators who have completely forgotten the meaning of education, there seems to be little hope for any very important role for the librarian. This is not said, however, to excuse the librarian for his inactivity-- ... 1/2
"giving direction to their efforts. And having done these things, be not content with the achievement thereof, but in this age of social Sturm und Drang be ever watchful to keep an eye to the future— an ear to the ground."
"... that they study more intensively and learn to measure more accurately the results of their work; that they band themselves together to preserve their rightful heritage of academic freedom against the ever growing forces that menace it so severely ; and that to achieve greater unanimity of action they formulate an adequate philosophy of their profession which will integrate their activities with the academic microcosm, ...
"We may be rudely awakened some morning with the realization that we are the hapless and unwilling guardians of the propaganda of a fascist régime. Here, then, is the challenge that the future flings to the college librarians of today: that they make the fullest use of technical advances placed within their hands; that they unite themselves more firmly in codperative undertakings; ...
"For as the gift of Gutenberg brought many books within the reach of many men, so any book may come to any library through the medium of the microphotograph."
Some great quotations in this! "holocaust of Alexandria.": (1936)
"In a day when a drugstore demagogue can command a legislative investigation into alleged “subversive activities” in one of our great institutions of learning, it is not absurd to fear that some power crazed dictator of the future could repeat the holocaust of Alexandria."