Reach out to me for advice and guidance on digital accessibility.
With over twenty years of experience in design and development, I am dedicated to improving user experiences for a diverse audience, particularly for individuals with disabilities.
Reach out to me for advice and guidance on digital accessibility.
With over twenty years of experience in design and development, I am dedicated to improving user experiences for a diverse audience, particularly for individuals with disabilities.
Considering the current situation in the world, here are the things I’m doing to take care of myself.
I'm tempted to switch to a "dumbphone".
"In my experience, the only people you really need to contact on the go are those you’re coordinating with. What time will you be there? or I’m running late – that’s urgent information."
These two little objects are the best things I bought recently. The Engage 2 earplugs helped me in several occasions already, including an end of year dinner with people and music. The Quiet 2 Plus arrived today and are promising for sleep, deep focus, and travel.
I am looking for a new role as either #UXdesigner or #WebDesigner within the UK (Cambridgeshire or London if hybrid). Boots, advice, and opportunities appreciated. Thank you in advance!
@onepict That’s a great analogy
Inspired by @m2m , I started making changes to the ways I present myself on my website and the internet in general. So, I have a new bio on Mastodon, and new wording on my website’s home page. It’ll be a long process, but #DeBranding is good
Based in Cambridge (UK), I am a Gen X woman in search of her true self. I go straight to the point, unless I get distracted.Bilingual in Italian and English.#Photography #Knitting #Ukulele #Sustainability #Accessibility #Design
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