@chris@kel a few custom options, a vertical tab sidebar with live preview, different things in the options, and the fact that the devs seem on top of the situation.
@jalefkowit yes, that's what I do now. I swap bits that are either malfunctioning, broken, or unsatisfactory. That is what I don't get the 'upgrade' thing now.
Even when my 10-year-old MBP actually died, I refused to give up, and found a new logic board on eBay (which, lucky me, had a more powerful CPU soldered in), so I still use it today, and it's even faster.
Maybe I'm just too old for this stuff, or I might have left capitalism without realising it.
lol, I'm serious, and genuinely looking for an answer. I thought maybe it's an American thing, but then it's not, as there was a specific time in my past when I used to do the same, and for the life of me, I CANNOT remember why, what was the motor.
It's like my brain had washed that away, overwriting the memory of it with *many* zeros.
@chris I'm following the event as well, but I want to ask, without being argumentative, why would you *need* to upgrade a computer that, if I remember correctly, you have had for more or less a couple years. Isn't the spirit of Framework based on repairability and longevity?
I'm seriously curious about what is/are the motive/s behind a will to 'upgrade' hardware nowadays, especially hardware that's still new.
@chris ah ok, so it's a structural problem. got it. I can't wait to switch to it, and yet I'm okay with my current status quo. If I keep moving towards my current direction I might end up with a Nokia 3210.
@kel one day I'll tell you the amount of time they made me waste when I tried to change my currency and residency. That's also why I stopped selling with them fuckers. eBay and PayPal are next in the line of my own 'account graveyard'.
@chris yeah, all my data is local except for a folder I share with Silvia and a couple more that I share with my phones, all using Syncthing. I wouldn’t trust iCloud with a single .txt file.
Installed Manjaro on my spare laptop (Lenovo ThinkPad) and already enjoying the experience. This is a first step, but once I'm familiar with the system, I'll partition our media centre to split the space with Windows (for videogames).
I can easily see myself running Manjaro exclusively in the future on a Framework, with one spare Apple old hardware running some macOS, or a custom PC running a Hackintosh.
@chris@jp I stopped using it long ago. First by switching to Alfred, now to Raycast. Both are working on Spotlight indexes and both are massively superior.
I keep thinking about when Spotlight got a massive update with Tiger (or was it Leopard?). In a fraction of a second it would find precisely what document or email or image I was looking for.
A gen X with a straight to the point attitude. Based in the UK, I play bass and design sound under the moniker Minutes to Midnight.In previous lives I used to work as a #GameAudio designer and a #WebDeveloper. Today my day job is with the University of Cambridge.#BeYourOwnPlatform #MusicProduction #SoundDesign #Bass #REAPER #Sustainability #Degrowth #RightToRepairPosts self-delete after 4 weeks.He/him