*for those who don't know (perfectly valid, irrelevant person in the grand scheme of things) also known as the linux "journalist" who is constantly being openly transphobic to open source developers, who blames the "woke" boogieman for everything that he deems wrong about FOSS, who constantly spreads misinformation about certain FOSS projects he doesn't like for having a Code of Conduct, who was on the capitol on Jan 6th, active COVID denier and anti-vaxxer and anti-masker, and the whole rest of the alt-right MAGA schtick
but hey, if you call him a nazi apparently you are the nazi amirite fellas
@rnpereira@CompadredeOgum sim, nos grupos de whatsapp do movimento só os admins conseguem mandar mensagem na maior parte do tempo, se você quiser conversar sobre qualquer coisa tem que criar grupos paralelos com as pessoas de lá
@jannem@can fair enough, we only use slack where I work and it's been a significant improvement over teams (what I used in my previous workplace)
the only minor gripe I have with it is that for some reason it doesn't have the option to sync light/dark mode with the rest of my system only in firefox (which is what I use)
#Signal#Lifehack. When you register as new user, Signal asks you to provide "a" phone number where it can send a confirmation code to finalise the setup.
Know that it asks for "a" phone number that can receive messages. It doesn't have to be YOUR phone number. This is not a new feature, it has always been like that. I registered my Signal account using the phone number of a prepaid SIM in a cheap burner phone. I have never used that number since.
"Take Futurism. One might think it would have been considered an instance of entartete Kunst, along with Expressionism, Cubism, and Surrealism. But the early Italian Futurists were nationalist; they favored Italian participation in the First World War for aesthetic reasons; they celebrated speed, violence, and risk, all of which somehow seemed to connect with the fascist cult of youth. While fascism identified itself with the Roman Empire and rediscovered rural traditions, Marinetti (who proclaimed that a car was more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace, and wanted to kill even the moonlight) was nevertheless appointed as a member of the Italian Academy, which treated moonlight with great respect."
aqui eu acho importante frisar a seguinte ideia: arte, além da expressão e da estética e da criatividade é uma ciência.
esse ponto eu sempre acho difícil que as pessoas que não se aprofundam no conhecimento da arte entendam.
todo movimento artístico relevante vem de uma construção coesa com a narrativa da história da arte desde q nós temos registros.
significa q todo grande artista é acadêmico? não.
significa q todo grande artista estudou arte e construiu propositalmente suas obras nessa linha? também não.
mas é a corda q sempre é tocada. propositalmente ou instintivamente.
a cultura é como a água enquanto nós somos os peixes. ela está sempre nos tocando, sempre ao nosso redor, e ela é parte de viver. e uma pessoa vivendo sua vida dentro da cultura com alguma sensibilidade é capaz de traduzir essa cultura num fazer artístico. e é isso q encontra ressonância na nossa sociedade.
no fascismo se as sensibilidades e as criatividades são reprimidas, isso não vai acontecer. a arte não vai sair dos guetos (ela vai existir clandestinamente pq ela sempre existe).
então não há como alcançar progresso e avanço tecnológico e científico e reprimir arte ao mesmo tempo. pq são interligados. arte é a matéria prima do avanço.
@renantomazini eu tava tão acostumado a só ouvir racista arrombado falando de QI que quando a neuro falou sobre durante a minha avaliação psicológica eu chega fiquei sem saber como reagir
@renantomazini cada dia que passa o mundo me comprova que só tem dois tipos de pessoas que falam de QI em pleno 2025: neuropsicólogos (de forma séria, não falando de QI global) e racista arrombado
@vansice@danirabbit Not necessarily, but a communist party and its strength can always be used as a kind of "thermometer" of how strong a left-leaning wave a country has. Currently both Brazil and the US have almost none, but Brazil still has a rising trend in their communist parties, due to more people deciding to organize politically and fight against fascism, while in the US there's almost nothing of substance (although there is a couple of sparks here and there).
@vansice@danirabbit Take this from a perspective that isn't biased by living in the US: dems are NOT an alternative, they purposefully exist as a "moderate" alternative to fascism in order to never allow an actual left-wing party to become an actual alternative
there's an obvious historical reason the US doesn't have a strong communist party, but there'll forever be a need for one, compared to the rest of the world all the US currently have as an option is fascism vs rainbow fascism
also, coming back to the example, a person can screw up and learn from their mistakes, but we should never let them see the consequences from their mistakes when these consequences are mass deportation, generalized attacks to LGBTQ+ rights and other blatant neonazi policies
@danirabbit Here in Brazil an unfortunate concept that got popularized by a so-called-left-wing author is the "right-wing poor man", which became basically a scapegoat for everything miserable that happens in our politics and when fascist politicians do fascist things, blaming everything on them for voting for them.
"Never give in to the temptation to hate the people" is a motto that I take to heart and I think that a lot of so-called-left-wing people in the US need to take to heart as well. There's a great article on this that's in portuguese, but nothing a little bit of elbow grease and a translator can't help: https://lavrapalavra.com/2022/10/31/quem-vota-contra-si-e-tambem-uma-vitima/
@vansice@danirabbit Spoiler alert: without an actual political alternative other than fascism being presented to them, not even the natural consequences will "get them to reason", it will just make everyone even more miserable and even more outraged at everything without promoting actual change.
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