Imagine if habituated liars had a 'delete' what they just said option? Easier, for them, then denying what they said & \ or twisting the words of what was said.
Yea, sh-t happens. Personally, l'd "delete" #Mastodons delete option. But, that's just me (my generally honest personality)
Of course, with a little more thought, there could be a timed edit option (to correct mistakes. And the edits could be made transparent)
But, transparency, honesty, works against some folks agendas
Why do l sometimes get a "that post doesn't exist" message, when l reply, to a reply, that exists on my notifications screen? Has the OP deleted it, but the reply still shows up?
What's the meaning of life? How to make the most of our time? How to sustain relationships? How to make money? These are all about experiences.
Life is an experience. Therefore, to live a life of value, is to value experiences. Experiences such as the sight & \ or warmth of sunlight, are profound (Photons emanating from the nearest star) To value the multitude of diverse experiences that is life, the mind has to be educated \ informed, to recognise novel experiences.
> John Oliver discusses #RFK Jr.’s potential to sway the presidential election, who his views are impacting on and off the campaign trail, and most importantly:...
It's a folk trope that #science is always getting it's theories wrong.
#Surveyors, #architects, & #designers of #space missions use Euclidean #geometry because they can get away with it, & it eases their work. The more comprehensive (science) theories, while more accurate, are much more complicated to use.The fact that Euclidean geometry fails to provide a complete model of reality does not detract from its mathematical consistency nor invalidate its many successes" (physicist. Frank Wilczek)
Anyone whom regularly listens to Sam Harris, will know that he, like me, is anti-sexism & anti-racism. In other words, for equal treatment, opportunity
Although, I wouldn't say l agree with everything Sam Harris says
Can you provide any evidence that Sam Harris advocated preemptive nuclear strikes? Evidence, would be his writing, podcasts, etc. Not simply a clipped video__some dopes intentionally try to slander people. Others, they just can't help but to spread idol gossip.
Perhaps this will be misinterpreted as condescending by some personality "types" or the scientifically illiterate mob. Perhaps it will receive replies from the regularly dishonest crowd, however, here goes...
Did you know that you can disagree with the moral stance of a scientist (a person's personal views) but, understand that the #science that the scientists is studying, is talking about in, for example, a podcast, is, generally "right" (evidence based, correct, as far as we currently know)
You could make the case, & l do, that too many adults are too set in their ways (to change)
This 'set in their ways' learning problem, has negative implications for areas such as the environment, including #ClimateChange, personal health, & development \ progress of society, &, ultimately, our species.
"Set in their ways" doesn't know \ want \ understand \ care \ realise, that change is needed (is actually the one true constant)
Now, pause for a second, regardless of the thread, any honest & intelligent person would appreciate \ value, what l have said (e.g., advocating for equal opportunities. Regardless of what 'gender' pronouns they want to be called)
The people that find a problem with basic biology (science), are a problem.
It's not original information to infer that men think men are superior or women think women are superior. Or, simply that men feel they can relate more to other men, & women relate more to women (precisely because they share similar life experiences)
The terms "men" & "women" don't encapsulate the diversity of personality differences, gender perception, etc (& don't include humans that are physiologically "children". On there way to being anatomically " adult")
Epistemology (more specific knowledge context): The unknown unknowns of small minded adults (l don't need to be condescending for it to be, unfortunately, true)
Many people in my local environment are people of little brain. So small minded in fact, that an informed person with intellectual honesty (AKA an environmental scientist) can not educate them about the environmental effects, that are caused by what they're actually doing.
l post about the solutions to prevent an ecological crisis. I believe that the overarching solution is to democratise businesses (a form of peer review__making people more informed, more accountable to their peers, therefore more intelligent & honest)l have a PgD in the #science of #psychology & a BSc degree in the conservation of biology#science #OpenAccess #psychology #ClimateChange #music #democracy #compassion #vegan (ish) #sustainability