"Just Google it!" Is no longer an acceptable answer when someone asks a question. Google's LLM-driven responses are neither accurate nor trustworthy. People are a much better source of information now. As always, verify with secondary sources.
Denialism isn't a political stance, it's a philosophical one. That's why both right- and left-wing people indulge in it.
Anybody who can be convinced that something is true against evidence otherwise is wide open to being convinced regarding denialism — of anything. HIV/AIDS, COVID, transgender, sexism, racism, etc.
Which is why political efforts to defeat denialism will never work. The only way to defeat it is through education, from kindergarten up. All age groups, all the time.
That's a little biased; there are other book clubs just as violent. The Quran club is very popular in many places, and its members can be just as gung ho.
«70-year-old Bob Judson explained, “I didn’t put much credence in [the evidence about Mark Robinson's porn site posts]. We’ve all done things in our past that we’re sorry for. Some of the things are crazy,” before adding, “I mean if we just went on that, we wouldn’t be here for Trump, would we?”»
Therein lies the root problem with modern US Politics; indeed, politics around the world. People are willing to forgive their populist leader anything, as long as that leader promises to give them what they think they want.
Return to the lion's den; good move. If Trump refuses (and I think he will) it can only be because he is scared of her. After all, he knows the CNN folk favour him and he beat Biden there.
Over the next few years, more and more of the "Active Shooter Drill" generation are going to be eligible to vote. Right along side them are the youth growing up understanding climate change and the overt and covert roles the US plays in other countries.
The Biden campaign is pulling ads because you don't keep campaigning when your opponent has fallen foul of political violence. At least, not if you're a decent person.
If this was Biden's doing, with the resources he has to call on, Trump would be dead. Quietly, at night, in his bed, from "natural causes."