@liztai There's so much rich detail in the book that it was always going to be a challenge to make a watchable film that made sense. I think they've captured it really well, with some beautifully made scenes that really bring the writing to life. Definitely deserves a big screen 😎
An important practical thing you can teach a computing student is that most of the tools, techniques, and languages that will be important to their future career probably don't exist yet, so (a) they need to be good at teaching themselves new things and finding stuff out (b) it's the fun bit.
Thinking about smarter systems. Hoping for smarter people. Toots about #UX, #HCI, and #Green politics.Background in designing and building stochastic simulations of complex systems, and aviation safety, with a doctorate in applying safety thinking to UX. My ideas on analysing the ethical properties of a design will be on my website, once I have a way to stop automated theft by Big Tech companies with no respect for copyright.I mute stuff I don't want. I block stuff nobody should want.