@EvolLove @sargoysmuck @PNS I saw a clip earlier of a bunch of black kids ransacking a convenience store. They made small efforts to not only steal things, but also to knock over and destroy merchandise on their way out. Trailing them was an old black woman with a walker, telling them that they'd pay for it somehow, in the future.
It's like there was a window of time when some proportion of blacks could be high-functioning and moral, but only because they grew up in a normatively white society and had to abide by our rules.
We don't live in that kind of society anymore.
And to be clear, there's no need for apartheid or anything that could be read as "cruelty" toward nonwhites. We just offer them some amount of money to renounce citizenship and leave the country, and even if that amount is something absolutely insane like $500,000, that's still less than what the average black costs the country over his or her lifetime.