"The US taxpayer has been subsidicing the defense of europe"
Look at me in the eyes. Look at me while I say this:
The US 'defense' of Europe is carried out by around 65k US soldiers based in a couple of dozen US military bases in EU territory. The combined armies from the EU countries (and this is not even counting non-EU european countries, like the UK or Norway) have something between 1.5 and 2 million active troops. It doesn't feel those 65k USians are the ultimate line of defense of Europe.
Do you know for whom those soldiers and military bases are crucial, instead? For THE FUCKING US OF AMERICA.
Because, hear me out, WITHOUT EUROPEAN BASES THE US CAN'T PROJECT POWER INTO THE MIDDLE EAST NOR NORTH AFRICA. Yeah, sure, a carrier group is very impressive and the ultimate modern weapon yadda yadda. Good luck sending it to them to the persian gulf straight from the US East Coast. And even better luck trying to supply them without airbases in Europe. Ane even better than better luck putting troops on the groups anywhere in the old world without those bases.
Without their European military bases, the US is no longer a global military power. A major one? sure. But one that's MUCH more local than they have been until know, more similar to Russia or China.
So honestly, maybe it's time to get them to fuck off of our continent.
you may have read that Trump Gov has instructed its embassies across the world to send a letter to their providers giving them 5 days to certify they don't have any kind of DEI program in place or drop it if they want to keep being providers of the US embassy.
Now the fun part: Since last year, every company over 50 employees in Spain has to have a defined gender equity plan if they want to do business with the spanish public sector. Which I suspect is a MUCH bigger deal than keep being a provider for the US embassy.
Looking forward for the US embassy in Madrid running out of running water or electricity next week <3
My favorite bug I've ever produced was when I changed something about how Tumblr shortcuts worked and made it so if you used the reblog shortcut while browsing your timeline, it would repeatedly reblog things several times per second if you kept the key pressed.
We should have left the reblog railgun as a feature.
zuck: It's time to get back to our roots around free expression and giving people voice on our platforms. Here's what we're going to do:
1/ Replace fact-checkers with Community Notes, starting in the US.
2/ Simplify our content policies and remove restrictions on topics like immigration and gender that are out of touch with mainstream discourse.
3/ Change how we enforce our policies to remove the vast majority of censorship mistakes by focusing our filters on tackling illegal and high-severity violations and requiring higher confidence for our filters to take action.
4/ Bring back civic content. We're getting feedback that people want to see this content again, so we'll phase it back into Facebook, Instagram and Threads while working to keep the communities friendly and positive.
5/ Move our trust and safety and content moderation teams out of California, and our US content review to Texas. This will help remove the concern that biased employees are overly censoring content.
6/ Work with President Trump to push back against foreign governments going after American companies to censor more. The US has the strongest constitutional protections for free expression in the world and the best way to defend against the trend of government overreach on censorship is with the support of the US government.
It'll take time to get this all right and these are complex systems so they'll never be perfect. But this is an important step forward and I'm looking forward to this next chapter!
My guess is that would be his first choice. But with Matt being against it, I don't see it being a feasible option: WordPress core is full of hardcoded references to the centralized repo, it's hard to change that without breaking compatibility.
Also, in the comments of the post MM himself tells Joost he is free to do it, but be better calls it something else. The moment the brand changes, if some of the big hosting companies decide to go with the new brand (and after WPE they have all the incentives), WordPress can find itself being the smaller part of the fork soon.
Joost is probably the second biggest figure in the entire WP ecosystem, only after Matt M himself. He is the biggest voice from the "Enterprise WordPress" world.
This is not anymore open source contributors complaining about governance. This is the Business WordPress demanding a leadership change and suggesting it either happens or a hard fork, backed by big business, is on the way.
After today, I'm going to start judging people who are still active on Twitter much harsher.
I'm sorry folks, but at this point everyone knows what it is. Musk is Goebbels, and Twitter is his megaphone. Him purchasing the site is a not small part of the foundation of what happened today, it's not a small part of the root of the bad things that are going to happen in the next few years.
I'm not buying any excuse anymore: being active in there makes one of the main tools of the fascists more effective. I know it. You know it. If you are there, please, close your account today.
Btw, something that pisses me off about the Tumblr migration announcement is how they paint it as win for open source.
Matt, it has been FIVE years since you bought it. I've personally asked you to open source Tumblr AT LEAST THREE TIMES I CAN REMEMBER. Others have done it too. The answer always had been that it wasn't a priority, even if we told you that some parts of Tumblr (like redpop) needed a negligible amount of work to open sourced.
Such a champion of the open source you are. Of course that's what matters to you and no anything el$e.
It looks Matt Mullenweg has ordered WordPress.org servers (managed by automattic) to block servers using the IP ranges owned by WP Engine.
That means that people trying to use wordpress servers installed in WP Engine servers can't no longer access to plugins, themes, or updates, for example
This is despicable.
This is breaking entirely with the principles of open source. It's ghoulish.
Look, I was writting a long post about what happened yesterday on the WordPress scene but... fuck it. I'm going to play Dwarf Fortress instead. Let me just say I hope the WordPress community realize that Matt Mullenweg using his keynote on WordCamp US to attack WPEngine for "caring more about profit than what they care about open source" is not about this heroic figure defending Open Source against corporate leechers.
WPEngine contributes to open source as much as most of other similar-sized hosting companies in the world (Actually, they were top-tier sponsors of the same conference Matt used to tell the thousands of attendees that they should all cancel their WPEngine accounts). Also, WPEngine and WordPress.com (Matt's company flagship) are the biggest players in their particular market niche (Managed WordPress hosting). And last year, for the first time ever, WPEngine made more money than wp.com, making them the biggest fish in their pond.
So no, this was not Matt being all sanctimonious about open source. It's just, once again, a businessman abusing his position of privilege on an open source community to slander the most direct competitor of his company, who has recently became the dominant player in the market.
Hi! I'm @jv@mastodon.social and https://tumblr.com/jv, but this is my little instance where I'm doing a bit of an experiment to merge both. Basically, I'm trying to tumblr-like site that runs on the fediverse. I called it Goblin, and you can find the source code here: https://github.com/johnHackworth/goblinGoblin.band is my own instance, with me being the only account right now while I'm working on it. If you are interested to try it, let me know and I can ping you when I'm ready to let other folks in to test!