I can't get back to sleep. so I decided to pull this announcement from my trip home from DC on February 5, 2025. This comes from a gate agent at gate E46 next to my gate. I can't tell if she's cranky or just annoyed or frustrated. The only thing I did to this was normalize to -0.3DB. Thoughts? Cranky? annoyed? Frusted? or some of the above, especially when she says At no charge or no exception.
because poor @FreakyFwoof's download of the free vm work station made my poor chrome have an annurism and I believe in multiple copies in multiple places, because choice is a good thing, and the VMWare workstation download center is still a steaming pile of shit, and because I couldn't sleep, http://downloads.shaned.net/VMware-workstation-full-17.5.2-23775571.exe now exists.
@brianhartgen@remixman@lulu_bear I've been filing reports on reports on this nonsense all through the beta cycle, and I felt ignored, brushed off, and like my reports didn't make a lick of difference. I literally just updated my companies training docs that one of the first things we'll be doing to a clients machine is ***disabling*** that feature. It's not worth the hassle.
Avid reader, scifi fan, AT trainer. Feel free to say high! Administrator of the mastodon.stickbear.me instance. Please note that this is my personal social media space, and the opinions expressed herein are my own and do not reflect my professional feelings, and are not the opinions of, those entities or organizations that I work for or that I volunteer for, or that I'm otherwise affiliated with on a professional level. If something I say offends you, don't let the door hit you on the way out.