I sadly announce that due to not getting any confirmation about our chaotic.ninja domain getting renewed before it expires in the 20th of March, this Misskey instance will effectively be cut off from the #fediverse from that point forward. :satsuki_sadge:
I recommend migrating to another fediverse instance. You still have 14 days from now to do so until the DNS no longer points to this Misskey. I will also try to keep this Misskey up for at least 30 days for those who still need to do backups after DNS gets cut off as well as for those who can coordinate with their new instance's admins on migrating their account; just make your /etc/hosts point makai.chaotic.ninja to
So long, and thanks for the fishe :renko_thumbsup:
When someone in a Touhou chat I'm in talked about the dialogue of Reimu becoming the "strongest vengeful spirit" I legit thought that Mima possessed her and therefore made me check out the chapter. But no it's just the power of friendship (or cheering I guess) bullshit lmao :hatless_chibi_mima_angry:
Damn the hyped up chapter turned out to be disappointing. "Touhou is now Dragon Ball"? More like ZUN just rehashed the TH17 gimmick into something more generalistic of vengeful spirits instead of animal-specific lol.
But maybe the next chapter is going to be more interesting, since the walmart mima is now going to monologue (finally) about her backstory. Or maybe nothing ever happens again. Oh well :mima_shrug:
@adambyte@dragonscave.spaceI'm taking about the mindset of, "We need a state specifically for this group of people," which is the same as what motivates ethnostates.So all national liberation movements wanted ethnostates? Damn, I guess the Algerians shouldn't have fought for their independence from France and kicked the French out to establish their own independent state then.But that's the only perspective I've ever seen it refer to, so I still think it's fair.So if someone, like an Israeli who has lost family to past suicide attacks by Palestinian militants only ever see Palestinian liberation from that perspective, it's fair?
Ignorance, once you learn of it, should not be intentional.I don't know where you got the idea that I think Jewish people shouldn't be allowed to determine their own destiny.Because it seemed like you adamantly refuse to even question the narrative you've come to believe in. Which is effectively a willful distortion of history and therefore willful denial to the Jewish people in Israel that they have exercised their right to self-determination like every other national liberation movement.There are, of course, many Jewish people who also publicly take this position, but again, I've only ever seen them referred to—by both themselves and others—as, "Jewish anti-Zionists."Breaking the Silence is anti-Zionist? Gush Shalom (which is founded by Uri Avnery, who fought for Irgun, and preferred to be called a "post-Zionist" instead of anti)? Standing Together?
Have you actually tried looking at the human rights and peace organizations in Israel and Palestine instead of just limiting yourself to the anti-Zionist orgs in North America?
@Revertron@zhub.link These people seem to be ignoring the fact that Wikipedia and countless other wikis exist, or the libraries and dictionaries, or the bank websites and e-commerce... Or even the online machine translators and other SaaSes! They do not really work primarily as feeds at all, yet they work very well as webpages and are used a lot. They're as important as the SNS in forming the "real web"
@adambyte@dragonscave.space Your opinion is not really "most controversial" (it's pretty normalized now no thanks to the Soviet antisemites), but it is probably one of the most ignorant.
A quick and careful look at the history would show you that Zionism has never been a homogeneous movement as you'd like to portray it as (that's your first mistake). Many (especially the Labor Zionists, which actually governed the Israeli state in most of its history and fought the Arab states trying to destroy Israel while it was in power) actually believed in integrating the Arabs into Israeli society and giving them equal rights. The recent aliyahs of Mizrahi Jews from the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) made Israel far from an ethnostate, as they brought with them cultures that clashed with the then-vast majority Ashkenazim (who you'd probably call "white"). Today the demographics are pretty much 50-50 between the Ashkenazim and Mizrahim, so the argument "go back to Europe" doesn't even work anymore. And ironically, it is mostly the Ashkenazim who are left-leaning and want a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The Likud's mass base is Mizrahim.
It wasn't even necessarily the Shoah that pushed the Zionists to accelerate the reestablishment of Israel. I'd argue it's the refusal of Western countries to accept Jewish refugees (and the UK even blocked further Jewish immigation into Mandatory Palestine, they just don't want Jews to go anywhere!) and the continued pogroms in post-WW2 Poland which tipped the scales. What else could they have done to save the millions of surviving Jews, now refugees, trapped in a still-hostile Europe? People really just love Jews when they die helplessly; god forbid them actually live and determine their own destiny!
I lost my home internet connection for 4 days straight (it's back right now, but not like 100% since the connection drops sometimes) and tbh if I could just listen to Gensokyo Radio without paying for data I would prefer it this way :gyate_yuuka_rember:
Evil spirit trapped in Makai. Manages the Touhou forum at anarchist-friendly raddle.me. A sysadmin of chaotic.ninja.(DISCLAIMER: I am not the Mima-sama in Tumblr or the Mimasama1 in Twitter [@mimasama1@bird.makeup])#Touhou #TouhouProject #東方Project #東方 #東方旧作 #TouhouOldWork #PC98 #PC98Touhou #MimaBanner by @sawatanitoru@twitter.comPfp by @ogami2160@twitter.com