@fof > Det är ju såklart en gåta varför folk inte bryr sig mer, och varför samhället inte har tagit den typen av initiativ.
Det är inte mycket av en gåta alls, faktiskt: Precis som all annan infrstruktur så påstods det från marknadsliberalt och nyliberalt håll att "marknaden kommer lösa det", och snart sagt hela media i väst drev den linjen stenhårt.
"in the first quarter of 2023, when researchers used satellite imagery to count all of the solar installations in the country, they estimated that solar was producing a combined 5,700 megawatts of energy—only 55 percent of which had been declared to the government."
Illicit solarpunk is the new illicit swimming pool.
one argument i hear in favor of ai generated text is »i’m not a writer, this will make it sound better/professional« and i get it. there is a reason i’m not sharing sketches i draw on the internet. they look like shit. but honestly: i’d much, much, much rather read something »imperfect« but that sounds like a human with an actual personality and emotions wrote it than the wall of beige that falls out of chat gpt. my shitty drawings are more interesting than midjourney images. embrace humanity.
There's really nothing like having thought you'd already done all the complex and horrible work of advocating for yourself and your health needs and then having people just straight up forget or fail to document it and having to do it all over again.
Feels like being put on trial about some of the worst experiences you've ever had to go through.
@lilithsaintcrow you'd hope so, but then you look at all the various crypto grifters and folks all in on the whole metaverse scam that have simply memoryholed their contributions there.
@fm2279 I can't think of a widely deployed cloud that isn't pouring money into the pockets of one of several fascist billionaires though, if that specifically is what you need. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud?
#Reading Vincent Bevins' excellent book If We Burn, and just had an emotion reading this passage. It wasn't true even then, but now it feels even more like an outright mockery.
@gerrymcgovern There's a certain element of Jevon's Paradox here, but mostly it's capital desperately searching for anything, _anything_ that can promise exponential growth. See also the metaverse and crypto hype cycles and the massive investments that that resulted in.