@sickburnbro Why is this take retired? Is it because after Obergefell, fags and fag allies slowly stopped pretending it was about "love" and more about freely sodomizing each other and kids with consequence?
Christ is real. He is God. He never sinned. He did die a death He did not deserve for the sake of God's elect. He did rise from the dead. He did ascend to the right hand of the Father to rule until He defeats all His enemies, and He will return again to judge all people. And yes, as a man, Jesus is a Jew. Yet He and the Father, as God, demand all peoples, Jew and Gentile, to bow, worship, and obey Them. Those that do not will be spiritually killed in Gehenna, including unbelieving White people. Europe embracing anti-Christs since the Enlightenment, including Molech worship, is why God is punishing Europe, America, and ANZAC right now, a punishment He will not relent unless Whites as a whole repent.
So you yourself must repent of rebelling against the Lord and encouraging others to do the same, in the so-called name of your people and "European morals", and turn to Jesus Christ.
@BroDrillard@DW2@Forgetful_Gynn I'm fine with a ruler, but I want him to actually be MY ruler and not some kike, puppet, or foreigner, and certainly not some anti-Christ who proclaims himself a Christian but understands nothing about the faith.
@skylar@dcc@PensiveCowboy@RatPoster@hakui Girls with beautiful nude forms and beautiful outfits both stand out because I'm not a coom brain and love what is beautiful and cute. Anyways, I'm gonna jump before this shitposting thread turns into a serious fight between aesthetic idealists and aesthetic materialists.
Lonely Reformed Christian Otaku and NEET who likes /animu/ and manga, /mu/sic, humanities, IT, old school gaming, monster girls especially cutesnek girls especially grape snek, 2hu especially purple NEET witches, funposting. Jahy-sama appreciator :jahy_sip:Looking for frens.Backup Fedi Account:@SuperSnekFriend@varishangout.net#AnimeChristian#AnimeRight