@ChristiJunior >Malon (technically including her MM doppelgangers, Cremia and Romani, as well) getting plenty of votes Both surprised and pleased by this!
@Terry >Niggers, Poos, Arabs, and other feces of humanity: "Ha ha, crackas! This is payback for the unleashing the dogs on us during the 60's." >Us: "But the British didn't have segregation or "civil rights" fighting like the South." >Niggers, Poos, Spics, and other feces of humanity: "Urm! This is for apartheid and putting us in con sen tray shun camps. >Us: "But there was no apartheid in Britain and the British government opposed Rhodesia and twisted South Africa's arm into compliance. >Niggers, Poos, Spics, and other feces of humanity: "UUUUUUhhhhhhh" >*After 20 minutes of monkey thinking sounds* "This for colonizing everyone." >Us: "But Britain gave up must of its territory willingly, and post colony nations have been run in the ditch." >>Niggers, Poos, Spics, and other feces of humanity: "Fuck you, whitey!"
@Dan_Hulson@BowsacNoodle I'm sorry, Dan-bro. I don't recall being a snake friend. People tell me that I was, once. I'm sorry, fren. I've only know the world of deer. 🦌
@striderpod Apostates will have it far, far worse than anyone else in Hell, even the most vile of carnal sinners. They need to repent and be restored immediately
"For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?" (Heb. 10:26-29)
Protoss, from everything I have seen and experienced from him, will never listen to me and will only start a hellthread of pilpulling I don't want to engage in. I don't waste my time doing Bible studies with obstinate unbelievers and I don't throw holy things to the dogs.
Lonely Reformed Christian Otaku and NEET who likes /animu/ and manga, /mu/sic, humanities, IT, old school gaming, monster girls especially cutesnek girls especially grape snek, 2hu especially purple NEET witches, funposting. Jahy-sama appreciator :jahy_sip:Looking for frens.Backup Fedi Account:@SuperSnekFriend@varishangout.net#AnimeChristian#AnimeRight