@molly0xfff All of this is true, but I'd guess that most of those making that complaint have a small enough number of subscribers that they're "free" on the substack plan. To move from $0 to even a $50/month Ghost Pro entry level plan for the same number of users is a prohibitive jump in out-of-pocket costs.
I just backed TechDirt's founder @mmasnick and his new card game, One Billion Users.
It promises to be a competitive card game to build the biggest and best #socialMedia platform. And maybe, just maybe, we might learn a little bit about our current internet affliction in the process.
There are "only" 801 billionaires based in the United States.
They should not have outsized influence on deciding the affairs and governance concerning 346 *million* Americans.
Wealth is not indicative of an ability to lead. Account might does not equal right. But, boy howdy, there is a tiny minority of folks that - in so many ways - are trying to convince the rest of us that they know best, even if that means destroying traditional institutions that might stand in their way.
"One reason why credibility is so low is because it’s believed that the wealthy elite billionaires “control” the news and push their personal beliefs. Jeff, you know what helps reinforce that belief? You, the billionaire, elite owner of the Washington Post, stepping in to overrule your editorial team on a political endorsement..."
Software strategy consultant, speaker, and writer. Started climbing a ladder only to realize it was up against the wrong wall. Figuring out what the alternative to being a thirsty grind-fluencer is. Working to be better. St. Paul, MN.All opinions expressed set us up the bomb. Born 333.73 ppm. (He/Him)#software #APIs #softwareGovernance #changeManagement #writing #amWriting #mcu #scienceFiction #comics #bookstodon #MinnesotaVikings #lego #afol #parenting #humor #programmerHumor