@ryanhoulihan @MissConstrue Thing is, language evolves. "Dude! huhuhuh," is a huge part of my lexicon and I'm not gendering by it nor commenting on your attire. I get it. I do. And yeah, I try to accommodate people. At the end of the day though I hang with the people who can accept me for who I am. In all honestly, that's not a lot and I don't actually care because most people discomfort me. Sometimes personalities clash and discomfort can result. It's whatever.
Notices by crazyeddie (crazyeddie@mastodon.social), page 2
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crazyeddie (crazyeddie@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 29-Jul-2024 12:33:12 JST crazyeddie -
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crazyeddie (crazyeddie@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 29-Jul-2024 03:34:42 JST crazyeddie @MissConstrue @ryanhoulihan I've even been known to refer to a female friend as "man" and that's clearly misgendering. Nobody involves sees it that way though.
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crazyeddie (crazyeddie@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 29-Jul-2024 03:34:42 JST crazyeddie @MissConstrue @ryanhoulihan Yeah, I've called women "dude" when hanging out. More because you're not really focusing on gender than that it's gender neutral. Interestingly, the only person who ever expressed offense was a man who insisted everyone hold to it's old meaning, "overdressed oaf." Meant we'd never be friends but I tried not to do it to him anymore. I can see why a trans wouldn't like it. So I'll try not to. If they want to assume I'm a dick because I call girls "dude" they can.
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crazyeddie (crazyeddie@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 11:37:51 JST crazyeddie @inthehands Yeah, probably. But I wouldn't put it past them and the more comes up the weirder it gets. I think the question of whether there was even an actual injury is legitimate.
And was there a real shooter? This kid that is pro Trump shows up to kill him, totally misses, Trump pretends to be injured and they of course blow the kid's brains out.
Normally I wouldn't pay any mind to it--but with these people...nothing is out of bounds nor to be believed. If they thought it would work...
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crazyeddie (crazyeddie@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 11:21:48 JST crazyeddie @inthehands I dunno, the fact that his ear is clearly not damaged actually raises a lot of questions. The whole event has all kinds of weird crap around it already. Now we learn that he wasn't even hit but pretended his fucking ear got blown off? Where the blood come from then? If it's fake--how did he know to carry around a ketchup packet? What else about this situation is fake? I blew off the conspiracy theories but not because I believed they wouldn't do such a thing. Maybe I was quick
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crazyeddie (crazyeddie@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 20-Jul-2024 09:13:22 JST crazyeddie @GossiTheDog If it wasn't for the fact that people are posting about it left and right, I'd have no idea this was even happening. None of the websites I go to are even down. I think "critical" might mean different things to different people.
And hey, if you got "critical" infrastructure running on Windows, maybe the lesson today is yours :p
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crazyeddie (crazyeddie@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 17-Feb-2024 11:58:59 JST crazyeddie @BethanyBlack AI generated NFT art for the win.