@HistoPol I’ve often seen it happening with free/public VPN and ssh servers. Often it’s temporary, so it’s unpredictable. AI can definitely be a cause. Also the types of requests you’re doing might trigger this and the list of ‘bad things’ frequently changes (depending on what the rest of the world does).
@HistoPol@Mina don’t the developer tools show you the real url to the image? Another possibility is that they are base64 encoded data; in that case screenshotting is your easiest option
Hey @feditips ; is there already a service that merges multiple toots into a single one, so you can read or store it in 1 go? I tried to find one, but was unsuccessful.
Cares about social justice, animals, the environment. Works on risk, compliance, and resilience at @xebia. Loves cats and Lego. Toots in NL and dunglish