@cnx Grammar is about spoken language, it's about how words come together to create sentences with meaning.
Punctuation is part of writing, not spoken language. It's like spelling, which is also not grammar & only applies to written language. It's a set of conventions for how to record and transmit aspects of the spoken language using symbols.
It's good to recall that the spoken language comes first & is much older than writing. Grammar has existed for much longer than punctuation or spelling.
i would like an alternative for the words "man" and "woman" that applies to me (and that could apply to other folks who aren't men or women), that isn't generic like "person", but also isn't a built on a negative like "enby" (which comes from "non-binary" -- i'd like a positive construction, not a negative one). i'm looking for a noun, not an adjective.
(also i would like such a word in portuguese as well. but i think it may be easier to find or build such a word in english.)
C library functions are always like: "SYNOPSIS. This function converts foos into bars depending on the user locale. ARGUMENTS. src and dest pointers must be distinct; it is undefined behavior if they are not QPU-aligned. RETURN VALUE. Returns the number of foos converted. A zero value indicates failure, or that zero foos were converted. A negative value indicates that the final foo was only partially converted (function got tired). Check this global variable to find out why."
there once was a lamp that could turn anyone into a woman by merely standing in its light. people came from far and wide to see it, but to their dismay the lamp was rarely lit. for this lamp ran on a special fuel, and that fuel was heavily guarded. it had all been gathered up and stored in a fortress, and that fortress had only one way in or out, through a big iron gate. the only way to get the fuel was to get permission from the person in charge of the gate, the girl light gas keep gate boss.
when you take a boat and you replace its parts over the years until every part has been replaced at least once, and you put all the old parts together to make a second boat, and then you make the two boats kiss, that's called the ship of theseus
when i was growing up i had to learn about monads the hard way. the first thing i learned was that monads are like burritos. then i had to learn what a burrito is. i had a burrito for the first time. it was great. then i learned that monads were not like burritos at all and i had just wasted my time if all i wanted to learn was about monads. but burritos were actually quite tasty. the real monad tutorial was the burritos we learned about along the way.
tech monopolies are to blame for why software sucks so much.
software sucks because it's all developed with the intent to form exploitative monopolies. once a monopoly is established, they turn up the user- and vendor-hostile practices.
as long as tech monopolies are viable & lucrative, software will continue to suck.
could software not suck, under capitalism? maybe, but it requires severe punishment for anti-competitive practices.
the crisis in software was a crisis in capitalism all along.
@HauntedOwlbear speaking of things not working properly on non-QWERTY keyboards ... I've found exactly one game, in all these years, that is aware of non-QWERTY keyboards, to the point of changing the displayed letters for keyboard shortcuts in help/tutorial screens (it was factorio).