"Americans’ inability to keep paying higher prices may be dealing a final blow to US 'inflation spike' myth, but newspapers still aren't accurately reporting higher prices as a blatant corporate money grab"
#Nonbinary folks don't owe you a particular presentation of self.
1. Androgyny is cool but not for everyone. 2. Nonbinary is not code for "weak, like woman". 3. It's okay--perhaps even good!--if you can't divine someone's gender presentation from their appearance. We have language for that.
Obligate infovore; I write fantasy, sci fi, and software. All posts made with 100% recycled electrons, sustainably crafted by artisanal artisans. He*/him/his. Doctor, if you absolutely insist.Nothing said here should be construed as in any way connected to my daytime employer.I boost and star freely. Boosts of my stuff are jes' fine. I control follow requests to avoid scrapers and spammers, is not personal.