@cstross@stonekettle That's the point. Almost every action taken in his first term was aimed at making the US federal government less stable and less powerful. It's what the not-so-secret masters have intended all along.
Also some cruelty and grifting along the way. But weakening the USA--one of the last entities that can go toe-to-toe with adversary nations and corporations--is goal number one.
@cstross They'd have figured out how to infiltrate and reuse the "free" command and control surface presented by the WWW, no matter its funding source.
"Americans’ inability to keep paying higher prices may be dealing a final blow to US 'inflation spike' myth, but newspapers still aren't accurately reporting higher prices as a blatant corporate money grab"
#Nonbinary folks don't owe you a particular presentation of self.
1. Androgyny is cool but not for everyone. 2. Nonbinary is not code for "weak, like woman". 3. It's okay--perhaps even good!--if you can't divine someone's gender presentation from their appearance. We have language for that.
Obligate infovore; I write fantasy, sci fi, and software. All posts made with 100% recycled electrons, sustainably crafted by artisanal artisans. He*/him/his. Doctor, if you absolutely insist.Nothing said here should be construed as in any way connected to my daytime employer.I boost and star freely. Boosts of my stuff are jes' fine. I control follow requests to avoid scrapers and spammers, is not personal.