@thanius@trezzer ironically though, I'm not using any Easylist filters either but I am using a different cookie banner blocking list which I'm assuming is what they're detecting. Firefox also has a built in cookie banner blocker setting which isn't as good but can cause this warning to pop up.
@thanius@trezzer the only justifiable reason I can think of to implement something like this is to ensure they are GDPR/CCPA compliant by forcing users to see the cookie banner. often times, if you block the banner, the site will just assume acceptance and issue a cookie. just becaue the banner is gone doesn't mean the cookie is, so by requiring users to see that banner, the user HAS to select "accept" or "reject cookies".
@trezzer@thanius yes but not all tracking is malicious. I would prefer none of it as well but in site tracking of how many articles read and what not isn't harmful
@trezzer@thanius ironically with features like firstPartyIsolate/TCP on Firefox and state partitioning and perSiteProcesses on chromium, it doesn't really matter anyways because cookies can only communicate and be accessed with the domain that issued them. a cookie issued by CNN.com cannot track you any website other than CNN.com, although I wouldn't be surprised if they employ generous amounts of browser fingerprinting for profile building, as well.
while I don't entirely disagree, labeling things as binary, black and white issues is never a solution. there is always gray areas and ignoring that is naive and only alienates those you want to help