@latein@NEETzsche@rdr Paul's warning is even more extensive in Deuteronomy, which implies there will be prophets who show all the signs of legitimacy, except they will lead you to other gods.
@NEETzsche@caekislove How would an edit propagate universally with no central authority? If someone edits Scripture in Alexandria, for example, how do they get that change to make it all the way to Armenia?
You can't, especially not in the time frame of the earliest New Testament manuscripts. It's not possible.
The Old Testament is a different story, because history gets very fuzzy once you go that far back. As I said, I bridge the gap there by inferring the Old Testament from the New.
@NEETzsche@caekislove The only serious edits you can pose for the New Testament are the ending of Mark, and the woman caught in adultery. I think the ending of Mark is legitimate, but the woman caught in adultery probably isn't.
@NEETzsche@caekislove That's not how it worked, there are copies from all over the world in completely different languages from Christian groups that were all in schism from one another.
There would had to have been a centralized authority to suppress and edit texts, so it couldn't have happened until the late 4th Century, but we have manuscripts from before that time, and there are no significant differences, even in Ethiopia and Armenia, who have always operated independently from the rest of Christendom.
If Biblical texts were edited, it could only have been the Old Testament, and I gave my thoughts on that near the end of my last post.
this all leads to questions on what/who The Church is, if it’s to be structured as an apostolic succession, if that succession holds a certain Automatically Right stature regardless of its actual conduct, and so on.
Apostolic succession is something that originally served a very practical purpose; to distinguish true from false teachers. Orthodox Christians could tell you exactly where their teachings came from, all the way back, because it had only been a couple of generations, whereas the gnostic heretics had to claim it was “secret” and that’s why you couldn’t trace it.
There are diminishing returns on that, though. It makes sense when your teacher directly knew an apostle, but once you get past 3rd generation, it becomes harder and harder to verify where things have mutated, especially because each new bishop is ordaining potentially dozens of new bishops in his lifetime.
Apostolic Succession as a necessary mark of the Church is foreign to the Apostolic Fathers. It’s a corruption. As for what the Church is, the Greek word is just ecclesia. If there is a body of true Christians with a hierarchy, that’s the Church. The thing that separates true from false is whether they worship Christ. But Nestorians, for example, are not the Church, because they don’t worship the real Christ. The atonement doesn’t make sense if he’s just a spirit in a skin suit.
we’re getting third hand … texts that have gone through who knows how many rounds of editing, reconstruction, compilation, and who knows what else…
That definitely didn’t happen for the New Testament, because both the text and the Church were decentralized. There’s no recorded event like the revision of the Quran, it was just distributed and copied in different locations. The only “revisions” were after the Christianization of Rome, minor variants from different manuscripts in the empire were synthesized to agree with one other. But we also have large manuscripts from outside the empire, and prior to the synthesizing. We already know what it looked like before then, and it’s barely different at all.
You have more of a case in the Old Testament, because it’s more clearly a series of composite documents and we don’t know exactly where it came from. It doesn’t take a Hebrew expert to realize the vocabulary changes vastly between different places, even within the same book. There’s also the problem of the Masoretic vs the Septuagint, and older Hebrew variants agreeing with the Greek. But the Greek is often paraphrase, so you can’t use it as a primary source either.
It’s fucked, but one thing we can trust is that the New Testament, which has a much stronger proof, presupposes the accuracy of the Old Testament, and even though Old Testament variants are broader than New Testament ones, we still don’t have anything that deviates all that much. Except in cases where it varies so much that it doesn’t even constitute the same book, like Jubilees, or the Dead Sea Scrolls version of Genesis and Exodus.
Even with all that evidence, there’s not necessarily any sign of deliberate tampering prior to the split between jews and Christians. The composite nature of the document can be attributed to the loss of Old Hebrew as a language in late antiquity. We can presuppose that there is genuine editing, or that there isn’t. I trust that if there was, we would know about it. Christ or one of the Apostles would have told us.
@NEETzsche@caekislove You either take it as an axiom that the Holy Spirit preserved his faith through the Church, as Christ promised Peter he would, or you don’t.
There’s no point in arguing that with someone unless they accept the indefectibility of Scripture. Or rather, I’m not smart enough to do it. I’m sure the late medieval scholastics made a case for it when responding to Muslims, but it would be such a long argument that it would be useless for most people.
The LDS church is organized brilliantly. Joseph Smith accurately predicted the American Civil War, and the exact location where it would start. It’s in the oldest facsimile printings of the D&C you can find, no one can deny that.
The man is also genuinely trying to figure things out in his private journals. If he was a liar, he did it enough that he believed his own stories. I tend to think he really did communicate with some kind of spirits, probably demons.
We see a similar pattern with Islam, which gets a lot of basics of morality and discipline right, but deviates just enough to undermine the precise nature of Christ’s saving work.
@NEETzsche@caekislove I understand that perspective. I'm certainly less particular about denominationalism than I used to be. I don't attend an LCMS church anymore because, even though they're mostly orthodox, they work with Antifa to harass conservatives who advocate for white issues. The reason I identify myself as a Lutheran is because I believe the Book of Concord is the best representation of Christian doctrine (other than the Bible) that exists on this earth.
@NEETzsche@caekislove Lutherans are not bound to Luther, we’re bound to the Book of Concord.
Luther is not our prophet or our Pope. He had no authority beyond that of a typical cleric.
I would agree that you’re not necessarily bound to Joseph Smith or other prophets, except when they’re speaking dogmatically. But even then, the LDS church is down with just changing doctrine, so I guess you’re not practically bound to any of it.
@NEETzsche@caekislove Mormonism 2 already exists, it’s called the RLDS Church. You’ll have to start Mormonism 3.
If you’re going to start with a heretical organization because you don’t like the Trinity, it makes more sense to start with JW’s or “Two Babylons” Baptists than Mormonism, though.
What happened is, there was already a distinction between protocanon and deuterocanon. When the humanist movement happened, we needed to decide how we were going to justify dogma based on the original Scriptures. Protestants decided that the protocanon can establish, and the deuterocanon (or apocrypha) can only inform it.
Roman Catholics also largely accepted this ancient distinction, which goes back to St Jerome, including Luther’s critics. But the Council of Trent, to set themselves against reformers, decided to abolish the distinction altogether, and call everything protocanonical.
However, this was not the case in the East. If you look in Eastern Orthodox catechisms, they will still make the same distinctions Protestants do. Their protocanonical list is still the 66 book canon, though the deuterocanon is still in lectionaries (as it sometimes is in Protestant lectionaries, as well.)
There’s a separate issue, which had to do with printing. Publishers, at a date well after the Reformation, decided it was prudent not to print the deuterocanon because it wasn’t as important, and then when Bible translation became an industry in its own rite, Protestant groups usually opted not to bother with the deuterocanon for the same reason, it’s just not an important use of resources.
Uneducated Roman Catholics will take these modern business decisions, and anachronistically attribute them to Luther. I disagree with those decisions, I don’t use Bibles without the apocrypha, but that’s not something that you can put on the Reformers. Luther did have his opinions on the legitimacy of certain books, which were wrong, but some of those he recanted, and the Lutheran tradition has never followed him on that point, nor has any Protestant tradition.
@caekislove@NEETzsche If Vatican II had never happened, there is a good chance I would have turned out Roman Catholic, so in that sense, it was a good thing. I would hate to have been deceived by trad aesthetics.
Because that’s in inaccurate descriptions of what is believed. The Son doesn’t have a third of infinite knowledge. The Spirit doesn’t have a third of infinite power. Dividing the infinite into parts doesn’t even make sense as a concept, this is called Divine Simplicity.