Seriously, this whole A.I. PR shtick is so insulting. Why do companies assume that people are stupid? You just need to fool everyone till the next quarter numbers are in? No need to think about the one after that or anything even remotely longterm…
@CStamp I had used bookmarks for this purpose before but that lead to a big list of unread bookmarks. So I tried keeping things I found interesting and wanted to read as tabs to increase the presence in hopes to lead to an improvement. As the screenshot shows, that did not work either ;)
@marcel@puniko Nach meinem Wissensstand (Vorsicht: ist fast 15 Jahre her 😬) sind alle Exponate funktionstüchtig. Bin aber nicht sicher ob dies auch für 100% der Röhrenempfänger etc gilt. Enter hatte eine Werkstatt bei der man auch seine eigenen Geräte reparieren lassen konnte. Spannend war auch der „Data Recovery“ Dienst. Da alle Computer und deren Peripheries funktionieren, können Daten von fast beliebigen Datenträger drabkopiert und auf neure Träger und Formate kopiert/konvertiert werden.
People have their own reasons why they publish their software as opensource. Many just scratch their own itch and/or enjoy writing code and making it available to others, **no strings attached**. Companies should do well to take this into consideration and not put the onus on OSS developers with whom they have no contract with. If you expect your users to read and abide by EULAs, you should at least do a cursory read of the licenses of your OSS dependencies.
A terrific and engaging discussion with @Mer__edith and Camille Francois on A.I., it’s dangers and how we need to look at it’s origin as a product of the economic business models (surveillance capitalism etc). @Mer__edith makes her points so clearly and I love how she frames the issues. How she talks about A.I. hype and whether it is a pivotal moment now, is also illuminating.
@GossiTheDog The article(s) have been maming the rounds through Swiss media the past week where everyone copied everbody else. It looked like it was good engagement until its reach got too wide. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Vielleicht könnte da ein Schweizer Journalist bei Fortinet Schweiz nachhaken? Am besten der Journalist von AZ Medien, der die Story, auf die das ganze zurückgeht, in der Luzerner und Aargauer Zeitung veröffentlicht hat?
@hannesm@djm We did something like this for IKEv2 with TKM, which is part of strongSwan. (Library) Code generator which includes FSM and SPARK proof aspects for state transitions.
@senier et al (now at AdaCore) has done a project called RecordFlux, which does much more: you can specify the protocol in a DSL and the tools will generate SPARK code with some formal guarantees. NVIDIA has actually used it in production. Also, the code is opensource and up on GitHub.