@bri_seven yeah, I was not joking in that other thread when I said trans women crying usually just means people aim for the face. seen it happen. was not a fan of the gal in question but she did nothing wrong in the particular situation I'm thinking about. doctors needed two feet of titanium wire to put her jaw back together afterwards. and she's white.
like, it's important to emphasize that among trans women, TWOC and particularly Black and Indigenous trans women face the most violence and the harshest treatment. but white trans women are *still* beaten and murdered on the street every fucking day. we're still arrested for prostitution for just existing in public at certain places and times. we're still constantly harassed by cops and random passers-by.
like, I've seen a few upper-middle class to wealthy white trans women saying "this never happens" but respectfully they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. this is reality for 90% percent of us, white or not, every day.