@aral I'm planning on storing the data in a plain JSON file, so I can easily sync it between devices and potentially create new (non-JavaScript?) apps to work with it!
I want to make a web app for viewing, creating, and modifying entries saved to a local file. I will use it on my old budget Android phone, and I want it to be as performant as I can possibly make it.
@mamus And yes, multimillion dollar pay to any individual is nonsense, but Mozilla being singled out over it when... *gestures at any other for-profit company* ...is utter nonsense.
The Mozilla Foundation does not fund Firefox development.
The for-profit Mozilla Corporation, which *does not* receive any of the donation money, payrolls Firefox development.
So this has spread like wildfire without people realizing: - Not a single dollar of the CEO's pay comes from donations. - The donations were never going towards Firefox anyway.
Trying to migrate our frontend apps from Vite 4 to Vite 5 and I just.
Node, build system, its plugins, CommonJS vs ESM, TypeScript, module resolution strategies...
Every one of these can break if they are not correctly coordinated with each other.
The complexity compounds to a house of cards that takes wild amounts of arcane knowledge and/or hours and hours of trawling Stack Overflow and GitHub issues to fix when it falls over.
@rimu I know, I'm well aware! I've used frameworks for years. I'm trying to *opt out* of frameworks and Node and package managers and all of that and develop as "bare metal" as possible on the web platform. Because I think that would be nice.
Ughhhh I guess some sort of web server is basically mandatory now for developing web pages locally. Can't just open the files in your browser anymore. Piss.
Well fuck me. Can't import JavaScript modules over your local file system, because browsers enforce the Same-Origin Policy on module scripts, and browsers treat all files as having different origins.
It being permitted for non-module scripts is viewed as something regrettable that they can't break.
So to develop web pages with JavaScript that you can run locally, I have to rely on behavior that browser vendors would have eliminated if they could.
I've heard all this praise for Tailwind CSS and when I finally look into what it actually is I find out it's a framework for doing inline styles but using class names instead.
I mean I bet Tailwind is a nice way of writing inline styles but also I really don't vibe with writing inline styles. Traditional, semantic CSS with class names describing what it *is* instead of how it *looks* is so much more pleasant for me to read.
Long strings of Tailwind classes reminds me of div soup.
I am inclined to work closer to native HTML and CSS where I can. It's what actually renders in the browser, it's what all frameworks are built on top of, it's tech that will survive a thousand hype cycles, and it's usually possible to write simpler code in it.
Opting to place an abstraction layer of utility CSS classes between me and the actual CSS puts me off.