Speaking of #HarukiMurakami, waaay back when internet was still new, he had a small website run by his publisher and I have emailed him to tell him that I was a big fan and I named my firstborn Haruki, after him. I did get a reply back from the author himself, and he congratulated me and said "He'll likely be a healthy and forgetful boy". ?
@Alphabetsoup iQ84 is pretty great too. My top 3 is 1. Dance Dance Dance 2. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, and 3. Norwegian Woods #HarukiMurakami
Today my assignment is "#Disenchanted" - Most Japanese fans are liking the #film but I just saw one from English speaker saying "How much debt is Amy Adams in to have to do this f*ckery" and that made me laugh. I like Disney but haven't watched this yet and probably won't... #SentimentAnalysis
@glaroc You're right. I have no way to know and just because I don't follow someone back doesn't mean I decided the person is white male either. There are other reasons. I am trying to follow more BIPOC and non male folks. Is affirmative action racism? Some people argue it is.
I just noticed the mastodon (do they have a name??) at bottom left corner of web version of Mastodon is holding a Trans flag...? Did they always have different flag, or is this new? #transdayofremembrance
@terrywallwork@mstdn.jp I have an account on .jp and I know I won't be going back there. fedbird is popular but I don't know if I wanna go there either. I'm happy to wait...
Actually, I've refrained from saying that I am not following back white males here on Mastodon for fear of being marked as racist. What happened to Tracy is not OK ?
Japanese #CulturalConsultant in Film&TV #Writer #Film Sentiment Analyst #Interpreter Podcaster #Feminist #Watercolor artist. #Arts advocate. She/her. Admin at Japanese Canadian Artists DirectoryI host Brené Brown Book Club to encourage people to live courageously. #FountainPen aficionado. I post in English/Japanese. Interested in changing culture.#カナダ 在住ライター #文化コンサルタント #通訳 #ポッドキャスト「はみだし系ライフの歩き方」プロデューサー。ブレネー・ブラウンブッククラブ主宰 社会を変えたいひと #万年筆 好き#BreneBrown#Podcast#Murderino#ブレネーブラウン#映画