It feels like we are in a movie that is the prequel to Idiocracy. I’m trying to come up with the perfect name for it but can only come up with “Project 2025”, or a variation on that.
The less the Democrats say or do over the next two years, the better they will do in the midterm elections. Please stop calling the other side names, like Nazis or oligarchs. Please stop shouting for justice or peace in other parts of the world. Just sit down and shut the fuck up. The GOP has done so much damage to itself and is so messed up right now that they are predestined to implode practically any minute. They are desperate for any diversions that the Democrats might come up with to take the spotlight off of themselves. We must not help them this time. This might be the wrong way to put it, but the best thing to do right now might be to stand back and stand by.
In my profession, once there is recognition of a problem, there is automatically an assumption of responsibility to try to correct that problem or become liable for the damage caused by that problem. The fact is that the world has known about the ongoing act of genocide being conducted by the government of Israel, with the support and approval of many other governments, for over six months. The world, including the United States, is now responsible and liable for it. This world is broken.
@Radical_EgoCom Death seems a bit extreme. I would be happy with house arrest (or monitored with the equivalent of ankle bracelets) and taking everything over $1 billion away from them to be distributed to the poor.
@Radical_EgoCom I am well aware what Capitalism is. I know what Communism and Socialism are too. They are each concepts of “pure” economies and do not exist anywhere in the world. There will always be black markets, cottage industries, flea markets, and underground economies. Abolition has never solved anything. The U.S. still has legal slavery more than 150 years after it was abolished.
@Radical_EgoCom Abolition of Capitalism is an absurd concept. Regulations and standards to protect innocent participants from bad actors would make more sense, but there will always be some form of Capitalism in any society. People will always find ways to trade or sell goods and services to one another no matter the type of government is in effect.