Journaling on paper through strange and concerning times doesn’t just produce valuable material for the future historical record. It also helpful for your mental health now. I did a LOT of journaling the details of daily life in the lockdown years. It helped me feel more like an observer of strange events with something useful to do and a little less a passive victim of chaotic circumstance. It also helped me to not doubt my own sanity and recollections when the surrealness made my memory seem fuzzy
One of the best sources on the internet for interesting links these days is Tom Scott’s newsletter. His website now has all the previous links with a random link option
@susankayequinn@vwdasher gross. At least they’re not paying money to one of those book summary apps whose obnoxious ads claim to make you the most interesting person in the room
Saw someone post elsewhere about how last year they set a goal to try as many varieties of fruit as possible. That seems like the kind of goal worth setting
@skinnylatte or that assume that people reject shelter where available for frivolous reasons. Something that’s stuck with me from years ago was an interview I read with a homeless woman living on the streets who was intending to stay that way until she could get a private unit. She felt safer on the streets than in most shelter options as on the streets she could be around trusted people for protection in places she understood but in a shelter environment she got shoved in close quarters with unsafe people
About the only teen friendly place that a lot of towns have that doesn't cost money is a (likely badly maintained) skatepark that may or may not be easy to get to by public transport and likely isn't safe after dark. That's wildly inaccessible for disabled teens and is not enjoyable for even all teens who physically could skate. All for getting people of all ages off their screens and into the real world but people have to have places to go that don't require spending substantial money.
Yet to see the announcement of massive Australian government funding for places for teens to hang out AND improved public transport to get them there now that they won't be allowed on social media. Weird.