Ever wondered what happens in the background when you open google.com? This relaxing video will not really help but make it more entertaining to watch.
@agger If I recall the last 4 years of the Orange, there are many things that also hurt "us" and the wider world. Just one example is the cancelled nuclear deal with Iran which intensified the crisis and probably destroyed any chance for a diplomatic solution.
Same goes for environmental issues which can only be solved together.
Man kann über #Neobank'en und #Check24 wirklich viel Schlechtes sagen. Aber dass ich an einem Sonntag (!) mit 20 Minuten Aufwand und etwas Wartezeit ein voll funktionsfähiges Bankkonto bei der #C24 eröffnet bekomme, ist durchaus beachtlich. Vor allem in Zeiten, in denen meine aktuelle Bank #DKB stark abbaut.
@slothrop I also heard "truck number" a few times, which probably doesn't solve your problem. Recently I stumbled over "key person risks" which is somewhat similar but not as clear. In general "single point of failure" could also describe it.
In my talks and discussions about the role of Open Source maintainers, I usually list a number of reasons why maintainers might quit or otherwise reduce their involvement.
"The Russian army destroyed my house" hasn't been on that list yet 😐 🇺🇦
With today's release of #Debian 12 (bookworm), it becomes even easier to install the #REUSE tool that helps with declaring licensing and copyright in your projects, following the most advanced best practice: