@freemo IMHO "trans-women are/aren't women" is the perfect clickbait for differentiating political parts, without speaking of serious thinks. It is an arm of mass-distraction. I think that the gender vs sex aspect is intentionally left out for making this slogan more "provocative".
A man identifying as a woman (i.e. the gender) can try to adapt his/her sexual identity. He/she will never be a normal woman (with normal I mean having the average sexual characteristic of a woman), because there are still biological differences (bones density, structure of the brain, muscle, etc...), and some of these are determined in early fetus development and/or maybe from XY chromosomes. So it is a "good-enough" approach.
But from a gender point of view, who bothers... there is a lot of variance from man and man or woman and woman, for including also the behavior of trans-women, who again have a big variance.
On the contrary there is very few public discussion about how damage are doing microplastics on the fetus. This will potentially affect 100% of humanity.
@ambulocetus I agree with @freemo: SmarterEveryDay is not spreading misinformation. In no part of the video, he lied.
The suggested book is controversial, but he warns about this, and he specifies that it is mainly a philosophical book, to read with open-mind. So, he is fair.
IMHO, the misunderstatement is here: he compares the sense of wonder observing the flagella in the small, to the sense of wonder observing the Universe in the large (and this is fair); science cannot explain why the Universe and/or its laws exist; because science cannot explain all, philosophical reflections are legitimate; he miss to underline that science can explain how flagella evolved and there is consensus about this.
He should be more precise/pedantic in the last point, but the focus on the last part of the video was about the wonder of Universe and life, and not anymore about scientific truth, so if it is an error, it is an error made in good faith.
@freemo I agree with @realcaseyrollins the question was not stated clearly. I'm not even sure, it was a multiple choice, as it should be.
Personally, online I have no problems addressing someone also as "Mr. frog" if it likes it, but face to face I will have problems also addressing as "she" a male, dressed like a man and acting like a man, while I will have no problem addressing as "she" a trans acting like a woman.
There should be some minimal viable compatibility between reality and what someone pretend it is reality, otherwise it becomes an exercise of Neuro Linguistic Programming.
68% of gay women were mostly aroused only from video of their preferred sex (i.e. women), while only 28% of straight women were mostly aroused only from video of men, i.e. 72% of straight women find arousal also video of other attractive women.
So only 32% of gay women are potentially bisexual, towards the 72% of straight women.
Everything is possible, especially considering that Marlon Brando and Freddy Mercury, two men with 100% masculine manners, were bisexual. So, how can I answer NO!? :-)
More seriously I believe that many men and women are potentially bisexual, but they don't (want) know this, because they have strong preferences towards the opposite sex, and they have no interest into risking moral judgment from the society. Think to what happens in prisons between men, that probably will have no homo-sexual behavior or fantasies outside of it.
I believe also that a feminine manner or a masculine manner (within certain margins obviously) in a man, is not a a reliable way to predict his sexual choices, in the sense that there can be many exceptions.
As (partially unrelated) side note, if we see the "big picture", we have no full "bodily autonomy", because we live in a society influencing what we eat, drink and breathe, i.e. many things that affects our body and our health are influenced a lot by laws and society behavior, and not only from our direct choices.
It is an eternal balance between how much we are single entities or parts of a group. IMHO, in many cases vaccines require to act like a group, and not as an individual, because with our behavior we are influencing other people.
It depends also from the type of vaccine obviously. For example, in case of COVID, in the end the vaccine was effective only for the variants before the omicron, because it reduced the stress on the sanitary system. But in this case, a nation can also decide to reduce assistance to no-vaccinated people.