Here's some of mine: Hot water and rooibos and chooks and sunshine waterfights and pushbikes and paper and pencils bush beans and string beans and warm cherry tomatoes off the vine and lemons off the lemon tree a vacuum cleaner that works and clean tap water home made cottage cheese and spinach out of the veggie patch
Listening to Paul [link below] is like listening to your Aussie Grandfather calmly reading out some bible and talking about it a bit. (Both my grandfathers are gone, and I miss them, and this reminds me heaps of one of them.)
@underlap Wow, i'd never heard of any of those!! And i haven't gotten around to learning Rust yet
I used Jekyll when I needed to create a static site.
I asked bing/copilot for the steps to a) install it (it's based on ruby gems and i'm partial to ruby), b) install a template so formatting is Not My Problem, and c) build it and deploy it to a VPS
...because i do NOT have spare brainspace for things like this
@jonyoder aw no, sadface! that's annoying, esp because i had a couple of nonlinux friends i was about to try and switch... maybe i give it a few months
@DMakarios Yeah i'm with you I think - I don't mind half a cauliflower spiced up to taste like a roast, but not a fan of meatless sausages and steaks. I've tried them, they're edible, but i'd rather eat real food not ersatz.
Although as an Aussie, in a country where (edible!) roos hit plague proportions every so often - and cows are normally free range because half the country is grazing land with or without cows - I don't even really understand why they're so desperate to turn everyone vegan...
since you asked... I'm currently wrestling with the meaning and value of traditional jewish calendars (passover, feast of booths, yom kippur) and christian calendars (pentecost, lent, advent) over the modern consumer ones (pi day? talk like a pirate day?) ... but the 'wrestle' bit comes from how to do this well, and how much is law over grace, and how to be faithful to the bible year and seasons without getting all legalistic about it
I hope you get lots of answers and lots of inspiration for longer posts. Hats off to you for persisting!
You sound like an interesting person to follow, I don't actually want to be in an echo chamber ๐คทโ๏ธ NB I unfollow people who post a lot of stuff that is deliberately inflammatory, political, really crude or sweary - especially in images as I can't auto mute those. Warnings: beware of brutal honesty, blatant christianity, aspie mindedness and occasional tech jargon. I don't swear out of respect for allies over at refchat, and generally keep it SFW (my definition of SFW includes some christian themes lol... SFW if you work in a church office?)I'm here to ask q's, think out loud, write notes to future-me and to cheer on others who are doing good stuff... I'm not here to pick fights. Also, I randomly clean out my timeline to remove chatter and stuff I don't care about keeping. :)