@lain Works too for societal problems. Instead of trying complex schemes to change the world, just normalize being a good person, everything else will fall into place.
@lain Football is pretty fun, I wouldn't watch a full season of it, but one game a year is fine.
You should start watching hockey though, it's not too expensive to go see the Panthers (except when they play the Habs because Florida is a Quebecois colony).
@lain Recently some friends of mine told me they support the idea of an allocation of travel KM people are allowed in a year that a political party suggested.
I think it's impossible to get people to think about economics at all if they've had drilled into their head that barring totalitarian, top-down solutions everyone is imminently about to die and no one's preferences will matter.
@kaia In my threat model, the "dirty" stuff I do on my phone puts banking with a mainstream bank within the same enveloppe, so I personally I just wouldn't bother separating it. Unless you have a rooted phone with weird software from shifty randos, your insecure habits are likely infinitely better than your average normie elderly person's, and those still OVERWHELMINGLY get "hacked" or defrauded through disclosing information they shouldn't, not through their device being insecure.
@why A couple of years ago, there were a few videos popular on Youtube about how pro wrestling is not in-fact dumb and stupid and how it's worth paying attention to. It did open me to the idea that maybe this thing that I had always dismissed as borderline retarded had something interesting at its core, and thinking about it I realize intellectually that yeah, pro wrestling is probably actually pretty cool and comfy to watch. But despite having an open mind about it, knowing fully that it's probably pretty cool, whenever I actually see pro wrestling on TV, I just cannot see past the oiled up shirtless dudes fake hitting one another, to see what wrestling fans actually see behind it. I understand it's someone's comfort entertainment, and that it's not inherently worse than my comfort entertainment, but at this point it's probably too late and it will never be watchable to me.
Anime is essentially the same, I watched a shitton of it in my teens and early adulthood and yeah, I can see past the anime bullshit. And whenever I kept bugging my open-minded friends to watch some anime that I thought was a masterpiece they probably thought the same as I now think of wrestling: "I understand there's something to like here, but man I just can't take it seriously with the giant eyes and gratuitous sexualization". So anyway, once past your teens the "window" to learn to take anime seriously is probably closed and people should just accept it on both ends of it.
It's all a matter of public framing, not knowledge of their operations. They don't care if people know about their operations, as long as the narrative is framed favorably or is at least not overly hostile to them. It's the difference between "look at the cool tech of this massive domestic spying operation" and "look at how creepy it is that there is a massive domestic spying operation"; with Snowden for a short while they lost control over the framing of that knowledge.
@lain Gotta be careful though, if you still only use one gamer girl you end up with homeopathic gamer girl bathwater, and that just doesn't do anything for anyone.