@inthehands IMHO, so much of online marketing spend comes down to “irrational exuberance”: Companies see that their competitors are spending X amounts of $ on programmatic advertising and they don’t want the online space to be full of the competitor’s ads so they make sure to spend equal amounts. This despite everyone hates advertising and the efficacy of it is extremely unsure and extremely hard to verify.
My own take: Longtermism was a vacuous intellectual movement to begin with. As with a lot of Silicon Valley-endorsed ideology, its primary function was a self-serving one, in practice; a fig leaf to legitimize accelerationism, hyper-scale monopolism and oligarchy.
@rasmusfleischer A perhaps more interesting metric comes from earth system studies: According to my own rough estimates, extrapolating from readily available energy metrics, excess energy added into the global system – from oil alone – amounts to around 36,000 times the available energy from human bodily capacity of living humans. A drastic (yet logical) conclusion would be that without this excess energy from oil, the average person would be 36,000 times less well off. 🤷♂️
@rasmusfleischer Inter- and intraclass sadism has been the hallmark of British society throughout all of modernity, so this is anything but surprising…