And yes, you remain our top priority. We'll still listening to you, and that's why we're making this post. Please spread it as far as you can so we can get lots of feedback.
Our values and purpose are also not changing. For packagers, we'd still value any patches to get Tenacity working on other platforms. That's another change we'd keep too. Any patches already contributed to Tenacity will be reapplied if we proceed with this.
One thing I'm trying to do here is to use hashtags more often to help spread them. Hopefully we can get more attention that way so maybe we can get more contributors too.
We have to give you guys thanks for such numbers. While it might not be an accurate indicator of the number of users, it's still mind boggling to see how many times Tenacity has been downloaded. You guys are awesome! 😄
Hey everyone! We haven't posted in a while, so we thought we'd make a quick post.
Development for 1.4 has been kicking off! We've begun to back port Audacity's effect work, which will lead the way to realtime effects! We also merged code that introduced a new theme system, but it's very unfinished and hasn't replaced the current one yet. It will once we get a spec going.
Better JACK support is also another focus for this release too. We will achieve it whether we use JACK directly or not.
Have you thought about switching to an older version of Audacity (e.g., 3.0.2) due to networking features in newer versions?
Why not try Tenacity? It features all the things you love from Audacity 3.0.2 plus the non-destructive editing features from Audacity 3.1, all without networking! And don't forget our own specific features like Matroska label editing! 😄
We're piling up fixes for our next release for 1.3.2. So far we have language fixes, build fixes, and small progress towards Wayland support (no play cursor support yet but it's waiting to be merged!), and other bug fixes. We're investigating two other issues with possible fixes too, including a Windows-specific memory issue that was just reported and choppy audio under MME. @gperson is working on them!
We just discovered that our screenshot tool does not work under Wayland.
Unfortunately, we won't fix it because it's likely not possible to get it working under modern graphics APIs. Therefore, it will effectively go into maintenance mode. Only platforms it currently works on (Windows, macOS(?), and GTK 3 under X11) will be supported and get fixes.
Regardless, some of the tool's functionality is redundant. In 1.4, we'll remove options for capturing the full screen and full window.
We are the creators of Tenacity; The sparkling new, easy-to-use, privacy-friendly, FLOSS, cross-platform audio editor and recorder based on Audacity.This account is managed by various contributors.