Notices by idea_enjoyer (, page 2
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Every comment you've made in this thread has been bait. I'm just throwing it back. You came in blaming the reformation for division, insulting the father of protestantism, mocking me when I said "I don't care what denomination you're in if you're in the house if faith"
We had a decent discussion earlier, Catholic, orthobro, and filthy protestant (me).
You are a fag and your shits all retarded
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That's a funny way of saying you're homosexual
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It's too late for that. Look at the LCMS. Creeds won't save it
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This is only a small aspect of the Catholic church's inner divisions.
I'm just not taking anyone seriously that says their denomination or sect is on the right track. They're all compromised at this point.
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I'm not talking about that, that's a literal pagan temple. And it happens in Catholic churches to
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Honestly, I just don't care about relitigating schism. You're in the house of faith, you've picked a room, good enough.
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I'm not huge on the interdenominational fight, I'm happy for Christians to just follow God wherever they are, but when people say what you did, the "where is it in the Bible bro" thing... It's obviously there. Dumb questions are dumb, even when I'm the one asking them.
Those verses are worded exactly as an answer to your question.
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It was a brotherly poke my friend. You poked protestants over faith alone, so one poked back. 👉
Beyond that, if you believe in Jesus Christ and are saved, you're my brother in the faith, be well.
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I have a little daydream about the interchurch wars, I think I got it from a CS Lewis idea originally, but basically, two medieval soldiers fight one another, brutal, bruises, blood, guts, full effort. They both die on the field of battle, and after their spirits leave their bodies, realization hits, of things out of our view, they walk to each other, congratulate each other on their bravery and skill, laugh about the situation, and walk to heaven arm in arm
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Eventually they will find that they need a religion to fight a religion, but joining the battle on the right side is an indication that they possess some fear of God, at least in my view.
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To be fair, wars were fought over these issues. To just sweep that away now is definitely interesting, and all I can say is "welcome to faith."
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Very minor quibble
I don't believe in any kind of equality whatsoever, I will feel blessed if I can forever clean the toilets of heaven. I'm not equal to the most worthy believers, and find difficulty in even identifying how God places value. But it's not works, "we are unworthy servants, we've done our duty" means something.
This is why I'm drawn to ancient Christianity, whatever it was, a Christianity of the body. I've learned more about Christianity by having a family than by reading any number of books or arguments.
I don't think God is only pure rationality, utilitarian for His purpose. I think God loves and hates, tolerates, dislikes..
It makes perfect sense to me that Jesus had a favorite food
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As far as I can tell, when God looks at sinners, he isn't looking at doers of good works, He is looking for those who fear God. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, is not a work.
Acts 13:26 ESV
"Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation.
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I wish you understood the verses I shared and the point I was making, because if you did, these things would no longer be odd to you
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I don't typically enjoy these conversations, most of the time they just result in us being personally, religiously autistic.
If you get any value from what I said, great, and if you don't, then it was probably me that failed
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I think it addresses it, and is a good faith interpretation. No work will save us, no matter how good. If we are talking about non Christians, it's obviously better if they aren't completely wicked reprobates, but their good works will not earn them salvation, though the Bible does indicate God notices those who fear God.
Works never earn you anything. Look at even relationships to learn this truth.
Song of Solomon 8:7 ESV
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.
What is valued is the person behind the work.
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Isaiah 64:6 ESV
We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.
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Yes, saving faith is demonstrated through God working in us to will and to act according to His good purpose. The justification of a Christian which happens after Salvation (which happens by faith) involves our faith moving us to act out of love for God, helping to demonstrate that our faith is genuine.
Abraham's belief is when God called him His friend, and it was credited to him as righteousness, and Abraham's actions proved that his faith was genuine.
Works do not save. We want to do good because we are saved, but all our righteousness is as special as a used tampon in God's eyes. Only through faith in Jesus and His work are we saved, and only through Jesus are our works acceptable to God
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Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, [9] not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
It's all over the Bible, but I know Catholics aren't as familiar, so it's ok bro. But take it from a protestant, its there
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Listening to Jeff lecture us about his covid shot aids again
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