@kaia no i don't have one
inside there are my hopes and dreams
@kaia no i don't have one
inside there are my hopes and dreams
@kaia he scammed billions of money and used it to live high
bot noone
deserves starvation or deprivation of necessary meds.
having adhd, knowing how normal you feel on meds and not having said meds is hell
I never really got what makes one an Anti-Fur or TERF.
Lack of confidence?
Fear that marginalized people get rights?
Fear that things that are normal since millennia get normalized?
I can't really put myself in the mindset of waking up and going "Oh wow I am logging into [thing] fansite and hate on [thing]".
e. g. I never watched a justin bieber music video just to dislike it and annoy the fans even though the hate was mainstream back then
I am negative / hating on various things. My profile is proof of that.
But usually I feel personally invested
e. g. lamenting about climate change
e. g. hating on Jens Spahn the german health minister who botched the pandemic
and those are more concepts and not social groups.
I dislike the social group of the political party that puts the inept Jens Spahn into power. But that's not the same as hating on weebs or furrys or trans people does it?
I recently hated on the homosexual Peter Thiel.
Not because he's gay but because he's a right wing extremist billionaire trying to collapse the state in order to have his anarcho-capitalist fever dream.
Oh sorry according to himself he's not gay.
He likes having sex with men and he seeks men to have sex with and he talks about his desire to have sex with men.
but he's too culturally advanced to be "gay".
just in case you needed a reason to hate Thiel too
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@kaia it's a national sport!
"nah I'm not lgbt I am bisexual"
@kaia @masterdon1312 don't know about you guys but this dude and his peers successfully ran this business for decades. All of which legal, except the giant sheep for hunting trophies thing.
When I'm 80 I am quite willing to be the fall guy for my family business and friends.
Two felony charges? Who cares that person is 80.
Faking documents and willingly smuggeling peotected animal DNA is a big deal. Probably a good move to let all fingers point to me and enjoy the free health care of prison
@kaia @masterdon1312 ah ok got it. He chose the wrong testicles to import:
»These massive sheep are protected internationally by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. They are likewise protected by the U.S. Endangered Species Act, and more specifically prohibited in Montana to protect native sheep populations from diseases and hybridization.«
The state knew grifters want the testicles of the marco polo argali sheep so it already was forbidden.
@kaia @masterdon1312 i don't understand what the crime is.
Selective breeding is both legal and common.
Was some of the DNA protected by bayer or some shit?
breeding with real animals is called green genetic engineering and we have been doing it long before walking upright as a species. People always fear the more precise "artifical" ways of genetic modifications for reasons beyond rational basis. They just hate non-random tampering
@Susan60 @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic welcome to the secret actuallyautistic internet
Source: SMBC
@Susan60 @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic that's the true autistic question.
It was probably all a trick and all those people who ignore the ambitious word choice did not get in the secret aspie club
@kaia in case you want to recommend more commentary youtubers to me…
@kaia oh cool emma has a video on it since less than a day ago.
Using the same freeze frame like FundieFridays does.
I'm not up to date with the husband lore. I always felt like the husbands are more or less victims of the GirlDefines brand, being voiceless background drapery in their videos and status symbol of having "made it".
The men both look like sweet guys and I guess they understand the girls making a bunch of money with their preachings so they tag along
@kaia always looking for more commentary youtubers…
I quite enjoy Drew Gooden / Danny Gonzalez / Kurtis Connor / Chad Chad.
@kaia it's weirdly sexual as of late since Bethany(?) recently got married and now projects her very personal and subjective sexuality unto their viewers. I don't know why they assume to be competent or skilled to teach these things in the internet as their teachings are far from the scientific reality.
Of course, often having one of their newborns in the arm to show their sweaty spray cream adventures whose maneuvers they broadcast into the world are "only for child bearing purposes" lol
@kaia i don't know how it is in the US but here in germany I would only marry for the tax benefit.
I have multiple partners of varying gender and I would consider it rude to have a hierarchy like this in my relationships.
Legally one can only marry one person at the same time in germany but luckiky it doesn't involve the churche at all. It's just signing papers and paying a processing fee to the state.
It annoys me that being married has a reduced income tax rate than being non-married.
@kaia i don't want this to be vague.
In my books I consider the following media to be christofascist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_Defined
Like Andrew Tate they attract the people with a broken self esteem and feed them lies from which they financially gain from.
@kaia of course this group is not a monolith and my interaction with them is not very neutral or scientific.
In fact after the NFT craze stopping (due to their scam being completed and all NFTs valued at basically-nothing now) I needed a new media which brightens my day when I haven't laughted in a while.
Christofascists provide this laughing at losers for me.
That's not neutral or scientific way of looking at them.
Perhaps easier for me because I don't live in the country they are ruining
Bull from #Hannover, #GermanyEasily distractedOnly follow/interact with me if you're 18+Might contain adult content26 y/o dom topI'm pretty direct#nobot
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